
Essential Oil Soap Recipes

Today, I want to talk about how to make soaps with these fun homemade soap recipes.  I love making my own soap and knowing exactly what I am exposing myself and my family to. 

These soap recipes can be made in any shape.  I found silicone molds at the grocery store and snatched them up because I knew they would be the cutest shapes for soaps! 

You can make your own soap base with lye but I prefer to use a pre-made soap base.  It is easy to use and inexpensive to purchase.  For this project, I decided to use a goats milk soap base because it is so luxurious and moisturizing.  

Lavender Goat’s Milk Soap


  •  1 lb Goat's Milk Soap Base 
  •  24 drops Lavender Essential Oil 


  1.  1.You will begin by placing your soap base in a microwave-safe dish.
  2.  2.Place your soap in the microwave and melt it on high for 30-second intervals, stirring regularly, until fully melted.
  3.  3.Once...
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DIY Bug Spray

I’m sure you have all heard of these. Encephalitis, West Nile, Zika… I have zero desire to contract any one of these diseases, or the multitude of others carried by mosquitos! It’s really incredible that such a tiny little bug can cause so much damage to human health. And that is why I’m keeping plenty of this homemade mosquito repellent spray on hand throughout the summer months to help combat those nasty bloodsuckers! We need to put them in their places! Which is nowhere near me, my family or my pets!! Because we can all admit that our pets are members of our family just like our little ones. 

As you probably know, mosquitos can set up shop during the summer months in standing water—that’s where mosquitoes lay their eggs and where their larvae live and grow so it’s really important to be vigilant around your property to prevent these areas where mosquitos can breed and thrive. Unfortunately, even if you’ve eliminated any...

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DIY Dryer Sheets

I’ve been wanting to make my own natural reusable dryer sheets for a long time, simply because I like making my own products. But it wasn’t until last week that I finally tried them out after reading a few articles about how horrible store-bought dryer sheets are.  I mean, it’s no surprise really. Anything that smells that dang good can’t be natural, right? These DIY dryer sheets are simple, natural, and safe for sensitive skin. Try these and I’m sure you will be ditching the store-bought dryer sheets for good! 

My DIY dryer sheets smell sooo good. It gives my clothes a faint, fresh clean scent.  Since these are reusable, you can use old wash cloths, cut up t-shirts or simple quilting squares.

 Here is what you will need:

  •  1 large jar (I reused a pickle jar, but anything with a sealed lid will work, as long as it has a wide mouth)
  •  2.5 cups of water
  •  2.5 cups of white vinegar
  •  3-4 tbsps vegetable...
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DIY Lotion Bars

Is it just me or ya’ll as just as tired of this winter weather as I am? Well hopefully we are getting close to putting this cold, dry weather behind us and we can use these all natural homemade lotion bars to nourish our wintertime skin! 

Lotion Bars are a wonderful, natural alternative to traditional lotions and they are easy to make at home. Lotion bars are far more concentrated than a typical liquid lotion because they do not contain any water, and the handheld bars look like a bar of soap. But because they contain no water, lotion bars do not require any preservatives and are shelf stable for at least 6 months!

Below is my simple, easy recipe!! Feel free to change it up with different oils to achieve the scent of your liking.


• 1/4 cup Beeswax 

• 1 Tbs. Shea Butter 

• 2 Tbs. Cocoa Butter 

• 2 Tbs. Almond Oil 

• 1 Tbs. Jojoba Oil 

• 50 drops (apx. 1/2 tsp) essential oil of choice (optional) ...

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DIY Lip Balm

 With all the cold weather lets take care of our perfect pouts!  Ever noticed how chapstick only seems to make your lips dryer?

Lip balm is a common must-have, but unfortunately it can contain chemicals, artificial fragrances, and salicylic acid which can actually irritate lips and cause more harm than good. Go natural with this delicious DIY lip balm full of health benefits and great natural flavor for a silky smooth perfect pout!

Start with this simple recipe and adjust to make it your own.

Orange Creamsicle Lip Balm


  •  1⁄2 ounce beeswax 1⁄2 ounce coconut oil 1⁄4 ounce shea butter
  •  1⁄4 ounce cocoa butter
  •  30 drops Wild Orange Oil
  •  2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Place everything, but Wild Orange oil and vanilla extract into a glass measuring cup or bowl.

  1.  Fill large saucepan with one to one and a half inches of water. Bring to a boil.
  2.  Once boiling, place glass measuring cup in...
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Holiday Scents DIY

So it’s official……holiday season is here!!  To help get us in the holiday spirit and make your home smell festive, I’ve got a couple really great DIY recipes in this weeks post. I hope ya’ll enjoy!!!

Holiday Scented Pinecones & Holiday Card: 

The scents of pine, gingerbread, cinnamon, and citrusy orange are almost inseparable from the holiday season. Catch one hint of these aromas any time of year, and you may be instantly taken back to childhood sledding races, homemade gingerbread houses, or sweet memories with family and friends. Capture the nostalgia with these homemade scented pinecones and cards.

Pinecone Items Needed:
Dry pinecones
Your favorite essential oil


  1.  If pinecones have been collected from outside, cook in the oven at 200 degrees F for at least 30 minutes, or until the pinecones have opened.
  2.  Put one drop of essential oil on each pinecone. Some of our favorites include; Cassia, Clove, Holiday...
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Essential Oils & Sun Exposure Care

Hey ya’ll!! Is this weather we are having not amazing!!!  It’s getting warmer and I love seeing the sun out!!!  This week I want to discuss the many uses for essential oils and sun care.  

Below you will find some amazing recipes to pamper yourself during and after sun exposure plus a bonus recipe for a refreshing pool side punch!!  

When spending time in the sun, your skin isn’t the only thing you should be worried about protecting. Too much sun exposure can cause damage to your hair and lead to dry, brittle strands. The good news is you can use sunscreen to protect your hair, just like the rest of your body. This simple Sun Protecting Hair Spay, dilutes sunscreen for easy application and contains Rosemary Oil, known for its renewing properties to help promote full, healthy-looking hair. Try mixing up this recipe the next time you're on your way to the pool or beach for extra protection. 


  • Water
  • SPF 25 sunscreen
  • 3–4...
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Essential Oils & Lip Care

Hey ya’ll!! I hope this post finds everyone doing well.   We are busy, busy, busy, at our house!!

This week I want to explore essential oils and lip care.  Below you will find some amazing recipes to pamper your lips.  These recipes will leave your lips unbelievable soft and hydrated!!  

Making lip balm can be simple! Try this easy DIY lip balm that is moisturizing and healthy for your lips.


  • 1 ounce beeswax 
  • 1 ounce coconut oil 
  • ½ ounce shea butter 
  • ½ ounce cocoa butter 
  • 20 drops Peppermint oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil

Note: This recipe makes three ounces of lip balm, so make sure you have enough containers. This recipe will make 20 lip balm tubes. You can always reduce the batch size by cutting the recipe in half. 


  1. Line up empty containers. If using a lip balm stick, make sure it ihas been twisted down.
  2. Measure butters and oils and place in glass jar.
  3. Fill a large saucepan with one...
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Resolution 5: Replace Medicine Cabinet Items with Oils

Alright you guys…it’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 5, our final week!! Still hanging in there with me?  Are you starting to see all the amazing benefits and how these 5 Essential Oils Resolutions help you maximize those benefits? 

Our final resolution is…drum roll… 


So many essential oils support healthy immune function and contain cleansing properties.  The health support benefit of essential oils are one of the main benefits of their use.  

With a big family, I turn to my oils when sickness or injuries occur.  Below are some recipes I use in my home. 

Cough Syrup:

  • 8 tbsp of Honey
  • 8 drops Lemon oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense oil
  • 8 drops Wild Orange oil

First Aid Spray:

  • 3 drops Helichrysum oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Melaleuca oil
  • 3 drops Basil oil

Sunburn Relief Lotion:

  • 4 oz Fractionated Coconut oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil
  • 6 drops...
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Holiday DIY Gifts

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I’m one of those holiday gift planners; I plan each gift out, keep everything organized with an app on my phone, and I try to stay on budget.  Try!!!  LOL!!  This year since I’m home more and trying to spread extra joy and cheer, I have decided to make my close friends and family essential oil pampering products.  I love DIY gifts!  I get to be creative and get to customize them for the receiver.   

This year I am going with a peppermint theme.  Peppermint Essential Oil has so many amazing benefits.  This oil promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing, digestive health when taken internally, and repels bugs naturally. 

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub


  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut oil 
  • 12 drops Peppermint oil 
  • Skin safe food coloring


  1. Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut...
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