Resolution 5: Replace Medicine Cabinet Items with Oils

Alright you guys…it’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 5, our final week!! Still hanging in there with me?  Are you starting to see all the amazing benefits and how these 5 Essential Oils Resolutions help you maximize those benefits? 

Our final resolution is…drum roll… 


So many essential oils support healthy immune function and contain cleansing properties.  The health support benefit of essential oils are one of the main benefits of their use.  

With a big family, I turn to my oils when sickness or injuries occur.  Below are some recipes I use in my home. 

Cough Syrup:

  • 8 tbsp of Honey
  • 8 drops Lemon oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense oil
  • 8 drops Wild Orange oil

First Aid Spray:

  • 3 drops Helichrysum oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Melaleuca oil
  • 3 drops Basil oil

Sunburn Relief Lotion:

  • 4 oz Fractionated Coconut oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil
  • 6 drops Chamomile oil
  • 4 drops Peppermint oil

As a mom I love using these blends!  I don’t have to worry about any harmful toxins, just making my kids feel better.  

Do you have any medicine cabinet recipes that you would like to share?  If so, I would love to hear about them in the comments below. 

I hope that you have enjoyed this Essential Oil Resolution journey…I know I have!!  Just remember to keep following these essential oil resolutions, we are changing our lives one drop at a time!

Blessings!! XOXO—Alisha 


50% Complete

Two Step

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