New Year! New You! with MetaPWR

What are your goals for 2023?  It it to get more healthy?  Be in shape? You are not alone on your health journey. Let 2023 be different!!!

MetaPWR can help you accomplish all those goals! It is a simple system that helps with blood sugar, balancing and stability, replenishing and adding collagen and helps with the health of fat cells. 

Did you also know that collagen is being hailed as the best way to biohack your skin, hair, nails, and joints? A collagen decline typically begins at the age of 25. Who wouldn’t want to slow down the aging process? I know I want glowing, firm skin!! Let’s be honest… This is not your typical collagen.  It has 9 different types. It will support healthy lean muscle, circulation, improved cognitive function… in short you will feel better, have more energy, less pain and firm skin.  Did I mention mood and sleep should be better too? And the collagen also has the MetaPWR oil so again, reinforcing all of those benefits.  There is also liposomal Vit C that helps our body absorb the collagen.  Do I need to mention immune benefits? We all know we could use more of that these days. 

Are you wondering how the MetaPWR Assist helps with blood sugar issues?

This blend is designed to help you digest carbs like slow carbs, lowering glucose levels and promoting a healthy insulin response! How exciting is this news?

The oil blend is proven to shrink fat cells in live studies! Who wouldn’t want that?

Metpwr helps:

  •  Glucose spikes
  •  Aging
  •  Weight gain
  •  Pain
  •  Sleep
  •  Collagen
  •  Stem cells
  •  Fertility
  •  Muscle tone
  •  And so much more! 

Are you ready for a change?

Here is the daily MetaPWR schedule to help you reach your new goals! You can always tweak things depending on your day and how you feel.


MetaPWR Advantage:  Meant to be taken once a day, usually earlier in the day.

MetaPWR Assist: This is meant to be taken 15-30 minutes before your largest meal of the date. NOTE: if you are forgetful, or not sure which meal will be your largest one then just pick the same meal everyday regardless of the size so you do not forget, and you can get into a daily routine. 

MetaPWR Essential oil Blend: The essential oil blend is delivered in a couple of ways.

You can pick the best delivery method for you. The essential oil blend is meant to be taken first thing in the morning with your Advantage, after every meal and then anytime you get a food craving you don’t want or think you can’t control.  

This is the suggested schedule and what works best for me…. 


Start your day with the MetaPWR Advantage and the MetapWR Oil blend in water:

Add one packet of the advantage powder and two drops of the essential oil blend to a 8 oz water and mix well. The advantage does not contain any emulsifying agents (yay!) so to get it to mix we suggest you use a shaker bottle, a stir mixer or whatever works best for you! 

If you are taking the Lifelong Vitality Pack, make sure to take this in the AM as well!


Take your MetaPWR Assist before lunch , if that is going to be your heaviest meal and then take a MetaPWR Softgel or oil, beadlet or gum after lunch. 

You can use the MetaPWR blend when cravings hit, the gum is great to keep on hand in your bag for those afternoon snack cravings.


MetaPWR Assist before dinner (if it’s the heaviest meal) and then take a MetaPWR Softgel or the oil, beadlet or gum after dinner. Either one works, just take one.

We always suggest using the MetaPWR Blend when cravings hit, no matter what time of the day!

Let me know how you are accomplishing your new goals!




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