DIY Lotion Bars

Is it just me or ya’ll as just as tired of this winter weather as I am? Well hopefully we are getting close to putting this cold, dry weather behind us and we can use these all natural homemade lotion bars to nourish our wintertime skin! 

Lotion Bars are a wonderful, natural alternative to traditional lotions and they are easy to make at home. Lotion bars are far more concentrated than a typical liquid lotion because they do not contain any water, and the handheld bars look like a bar of soap. But because they contain no water, lotion bars do not require any preservatives and are shelf stable for at least 6 months!

Below is my simple, easy recipe!! Feel free to change it up with different oils to achieve the scent of your liking.


• 1/4 cup Beeswax 

• 1 Tbs. Shea Butter 

• 2 Tbs. Cocoa Butter 

• 2 Tbs. Almond Oil 

• 1 Tbs. Jojoba Oil 

• 50 drops (apx. 1/2 tsp) essential oil of choice (optional) 

• 1/2 tsp vitamin e oil (optional) 

The vitamin E is optional but very beneficial for your skin so why not add it in? I suggest using silicone baking molds that can be found at any local craft store in all different shapes and sizes to make it fun. These also make great gifts! 

Follow these simple directions and you are on your way to chemical free silky soft skin! 


 Add beeswax, shea butter and cocoa butter to a double boiler and slowly heat until melted. 

• Once melted, turn off the heat and add the almond and jojoba oils. 

• Lastly, add essential oils and vitamin E if using. 

• Pour into silicone mold. 

• Let bars sit until completely hardened, then carefully remove from mold. 

Drop me some pictures of your bars below in the comments so I can see the fun shapes and how they turned out! 




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