Holiday Scents DIY

So it’s official……holiday season is here!!  To help get us in the holiday spirit and make your home smell festive, I’ve got a couple really great DIY recipes in this weeks post. I hope ya’ll enjoy!!!

Holiday Scented Pinecones & Holiday Card: 

The scents of pine, gingerbread, cinnamon, and citrusy orange are almost inseparable from the holiday season. Catch one hint of these aromas any time of year, and you may be instantly taken back to childhood sledding races, homemade gingerbread houses, or sweet memories with family and friends. Capture the nostalgia with these homemade scented pinecones and cards.

Pinecone Items Needed:
Dry pinecones
Your favorite essential oil


  1.  If pinecones have been collected from outside, cook in the oven at 200 degrees F for at least 30 minutes, or until the pinecones have opened.
  2.  Put one drop of essential oil on each pinecone. Some of our favorites include; Cassia, Clove, Holiday Joy, Wild Orange, Siberian Fir, or Wintergreen.
  3.  Place pinecones in a decorative bowl or on your Christmas tree.

Cards Items Needed:
Cotton balls
Plastic or paper bag
Your favorite essential oil


  1.  Put 2-4 drops essential oil on cotton ball. Some of our favorites include: Douglas fir, Frankincense, Wild Orange, Cinnamon Bark, or Holiday Joy.
  2.  Place cotton ball inside bag with cards.
  3.  Seal bag and let sit overnight.


Holiday Room Spray: 

This easy DIY Holiday Room Spray welcomes all those who enter your home. It is inviting, uplifting, and will promote a happy environment during your holiday festivities. 

Items Needed: 

  • 15 drops Frankincense oil
  • 15 drops Grapefruit oil
  • 30 drops Douglas Fir oil
  • Water


  1.  In glass spray bottle, add essential oils and top off with water. 
  2.  To use, shake the bottle, then spray.

I would love to hear about all of your holiday smell good recipes.  Post your thoughts and comments below. 



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