DIY Bug Spray

I’m sure you have all heard of these. Encephalitis, West Nile, Zika… I have zero desire to contract any one of these diseases, or the multitude of others carried by mosquitos! It’s really incredible that such a tiny little bug can cause so much damage to human health. And that is why I’m keeping plenty of this homemade mosquito repellent spray on hand throughout the summer months to help combat those nasty bloodsuckers! We need to put them in their places! Which is nowhere near me, my family or my pets!! Because we can all admit that our pets are members of our family just like our little ones. 

As you probably know, mosquitos can set up shop during the summer months in standing water—that’s where mosquitoes lay their eggs and where their larvae live and grow so it’s really important to be vigilant around your property to prevent these areas where mosquitos can breed and thrive. Unfortunately, even if you’ve eliminated any possible mosquito breeding grounds in your yard, you can’t really control what happens with the areas surrounding your property. In other words, mosquitos are out there no matter what you do, so bite-prevention is really important. 

Of course, no one wants to subject themselves or their kids to a cloud of harsh chemicals. Store-bought bug and mosquito spray can be damaging, which is why this easy mosquito repellent spray is such a great way to help control mosquitos this summer. The strong scent of essential oils will repel bugs away as well as give you added aromatic benefits! It’s a win, win situation if you ask me! 

Below, is what you’ll need to make this handy little defense in a bottle! 


  •  1 cup witch hazel
  •  10 drops Citronella essential oil 
  •  15 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
  •  10 drops Tea Tree essential oil
  •  5 drops Lavender essential oil 
  •  5-10 drops Lemongrass essential oil  
  •  1 cup distilled water
  •  Spray bottle (preferably dark in color)


  1. Carefully add all of the ingredients to your spray bottle, secure the top on and give a quick shake.  The scents all at once can be a little powerful so you may want to do this under a kitchen vent or outside.
  2. Be sure to shake to mix before spraying on clothing and skin.  Avoid face, eyes, mouth and other sensitive areas. 

This repellent is made using witch hazel and a variety of essential oils that are safe for external use only. Do not use internally or apply to open wounds. Store in a dark, cool location when not in use. 

Here are some of my favorite essential oil combos for repelling bugs. Fell free to change up the oils in the recipe above with the combos below or try your own!

Campfire Snuggles: 

  •  10 drops Rosemary
  •  6 drops Cedarwood


  •  8 drops Geranium
  •  5 drops Lavender
  •  5 drops Rosemary
  •  2 drops Patchouli


  •  10 drops Lavender
  •  6 drops Cedarwood
  •  4 drops Patchouli


  •  12 drops Lemon
  •  5 drops Peppermint
  •  3 drops Eucalyptus 

(Use caution with lemon and sun exposure. This oil is better used after the sunsets!)

Experiment with some different combos and mix it up! The bugs in your area may be repelled better by some essential oils more than other. Let me know if you find a good one and I will be happy to try them out on my stubborn little pests!


XOXO Alisha


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