DIY Dryer Sheets

I’ve been wanting to make my own natural reusable dryer sheets for a long time, simply because I like making my own products. But it wasn’t until last week that I finally tried them out after reading a few articles about how horrible store-bought dryer sheets are.  I mean, it’s no surprise really. Anything that smells that dang good can’t be natural, right? These DIY dryer sheets are simple, natural, and safe for sensitive skin. Try these and I’m sure you will be ditching the store-bought dryer sheets for good! 

My DIY dryer sheets smell sooo good. It gives my clothes a faint, fresh clean scent.  Since these are reusable, you can use old wash cloths, cut up t-shirts or simple quilting squares.

 Here is what you will need:

  •  1 large jar (I reused a pickle jar, but anything with a sealed lid will work, as long as it has a wide mouth)
  •  2.5 cups of water
  •  2.5 cups of white vinegar
  •  3-4 tbsps vegetable glycerine
  • Cotton quilting squares or wash cloths
  •  12 drops of orange essential oil
  •  12 drops of lemon essential oil
  •  12 drops of lavender essential oil
  •  7 drops of peppermint essential oil

 Vegetable glycerin gently softens your clothes. I’ve never used it in a beauty product before, but I hear it’s great for your skin as well.

 Here is how you make these cost saving little sheets!!!

1. Add water, white vinegar, and vegetable glycerin to your large jar.

2. Close the lid and shake vigorously.

3. Add your essential oils. Close the lid and shake again.

4. Add your cloth scraps.

Done! Easy peasy!

Make sure you shake the jar and wring out the fabric squares before adding them to your load of laundry. Essential oils last longer in dark glass containers. Since I used a clear pickle jar, I’ll have to store my dryer sheets in a dark place to extend the life of them.

 Health is important, but more than anything, I want to live a simple, frugal life with less trips to the store. These dryer sheets are ridiculously cheap. And the more I make my own products, the happier and more fulfilled I feel. Feel free to change up the scents for the oils in the recipe to your liking.

 What homemade products do you love? Comment below! I’m always looking for new ideas. 




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