
Christmas Cleaning

With Christmas coming. that means lots of visitors and germs, EVERYWHERE! How do you clean and sanitize your home for this busy time of year?  Here are a few of the ways I like to keep my home in tip top shape for all my family that is coming by and popping in.

DIY Febreze Spray 

It’s all natural, non-toxic and is a fraction of the price of regular Febreze! I’ve been making this along with my DIY homemade cleaning spray and it feels so good to not spend money on cleaning supplies!

You can use whatever combination of essential oils you prefer.  For this spray, I use Orange, Lavender, and Lemongrass.


  • Vodka
  • Empty Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Essential Oils  

How To Make:

Step 1: Combine all ingredients together in a spray bottle

Step 2: Shake to mix

Step 3: Spray on fabrics and around your home for a fresh smell!

OnGuard, how many ways can we use this amazing essential oil blend??  How do you use OnGuard concentrate? Here are the many ways I...

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Essential Oils DIY Christmas Gifts

Everyone loves homemade Christmas presents and who wouldn’t love all natural, made with love DIY essential oil products!! I know I do! 

Here are a few of mine that I have on my list to make and put under the tree. Of course, the first two are all about peppermint! What says Christmas better than the smell of sweet Peppermint? But I added a few others of my favorites that use other essential oils. 

Peppermint Foot Cream

  •  1 cup coconut oil (the kind that’s solid at room temperature)
  •  ½ cup aloe vera gel ( the real aloe, not the bright green stuff you buy in the store during the summer)
  •  20 drops lavender essential oil
  •  20 drops peppermint essential oil

Whip ingredients together for a couple of minutes.  You’ll know the peppermint foot cream is done when it is bright white, light, and fluffy.

Then scoop it into glass jars. This makes enough to fill 2 8oz jars.

I store my foot cream in the refrigerator.  It...

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Summertime Essentail Oils

Let’s talk Summertime Essential Oils!! 

Some of my favorite summertime diffuser blends, roller blends and spray recipes are below.  Enjoy! 


Fun in the Sun

  •  1 drop Lemon
  •  1 drop Orange
  •  1 drop Grapefruit
  •  1 drop Lavender

Berry Breeze

  •  2 drops Juniper Berry
  •  1 drop Grapefruit
  •  1 drop Orange


Need some quick sunburn relief? Try one or more of these essential oils blended with a carrier oil, unscented lotion, or aloe vera gel. 

  •  Chamomile (Roman or German)
  •  Peppermint
  •  Tea Tree
  •  Helichrysum
  •  Geranium

Aloe vera gel is a great carrier for essential oils when you are sun burnt. 


Here is a simple gel to make and keep in the refrigerator so it will be cool to the skin when applied. Lavender oil provides healing and peppermint oil provides cooling. All ingredients are soothing and will help with the pain and heat.

  •  14 drops Lavender...
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Essential Oils & DIY Kid Crafts

School is out and the kids are getting bored! Want some all natural activities for your kiddos??  

Try these essential oil all natural kid projects to keep your kids entertained and occupied this summer! 



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup salt
  • 4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 2 cups lukewarm water
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil, coconut oil works too if you that on hand 
  • Food coloring (optional but it isn’t playdough without all the colors of the rainbow and I always prefer the natural food coloring)
  • DoTerra oils of your choice 
  • Quart sized bags
  • Gallon sized bags


  1. Sir the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a large pot.
  2. Next add the vegetable oil. If you are only making one color add in the color now as well.
  3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly
  4. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball
  5. Remove from heat and then place inside a gallon size bag or onto wax paper
  6. Allow to cool slightly and then...
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Essential Oil Soap Recipes

Today, I want to talk about how to make soaps with these fun homemade soap recipes.  I love making my own soap and knowing exactly what I am exposing myself and my family to. 

These soap recipes can be made in any shape.  I found silicone molds at the grocery store and snatched them up because I knew they would be the cutest shapes for soaps! 

You can make your own soap base with lye but I prefer to use a pre-made soap base.  It is easy to use and inexpensive to purchase.  For this project, I decided to use a goats milk soap base because it is so luxurious and moisturizing.  

Lavender Goat’s Milk Soap


  •  1 lb Goat's Milk Soap Base 
  •  24 drops Lavender Essential Oil 


  1.  1.You will begin by placing your soap base in a microwave-safe dish.
  2.  2.Place your soap in the microwave and melt it on high for 30-second intervals, stirring regularly, until fully melted.
  3.  3.Once...
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Non-Toxic Cleaning

As compared to the average American cleaning cupboard, mine is rather unique. I stopped purchasing conventional cleaning products years ago, due to all the hazardous chemicals they contain and have been using homemade essential oil cleaning recipes ever since. Best thing I have ever done for my home and family.

Not only does adding essential oils to DIY cleaning mixes totally boost cleaning power, but it will make your home smell amazing— no artificial fragrances required. And who doesn’t want an amazing smelling house?

I get asked all the time which DIY cleaners are my favorite, so I finally decided to put them all in one place for y’all. Let me know if you have any you think I should add to my list. 

All-Purpose Cleaner with Lemon

  •  2 cups white vinegar
  •  2 cups water
  •  1 teaspoon natural dish soap (NOT castile soap)
  •  30 drops lemon essential oil
  •  20 drops tea tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients in a...

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DIY Hair Growth Oil

The fight for long, luscious, thick hair has been going on for centuries. There have been thousands of tonics, brews, chemical concoctions, or even “old wife’s tales” to “help” promote natural hair growth. A natural hair growth oil recipe is not new, but our understanding of why certain ingredients are chosen has increased greatly.

We now use this knowledge to come up with a natural hair growth oil recipe……

There are a lot of reasons why you may be looking for a natural hair growth oil:

  1. We may style and color our hair until it is broken, thin, and basically a damaged mess.
  2. Others may have a health issue that has caused their hair to thin or has caused significant hair loss, this includes medications that cause hair thinning or hair loss.
  3. Still others may have poor eating habits. If you are not healthy in body, you will not have healthy, beautiful hair.
  4. Lastly, we cannot forget that genetics play a huge role! If your mom has thin hair,...
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DIY Bug Spray

I’m sure you have all heard of these. Encephalitis, West Nile, Zika… I have zero desire to contract any one of these diseases, or the multitude of others carried by mosquitos! It’s really incredible that such a tiny little bug can cause so much damage to human health. And that is why I’m keeping plenty of this homemade mosquito repellent spray on hand throughout the summer months to help combat those nasty bloodsuckers! We need to put them in their places! Which is nowhere near me, my family or my pets!! Because we can all admit that our pets are members of our family just like our little ones. 

As you probably know, mosquitos can set up shop during the summer months in standing water—that’s where mosquitoes lay their eggs and where their larvae live and grow so it’s really important to be vigilant around your property to prevent these areas where mosquitos can breed and thrive. Unfortunately, even if you’ve eliminated any...

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DIY Dryer Sheets

I’ve been wanting to make my own natural reusable dryer sheets for a long time, simply because I like making my own products. But it wasn’t until last week that I finally tried them out after reading a few articles about how horrible store-bought dryer sheets are.  I mean, it’s no surprise really. Anything that smells that dang good can’t be natural, right? These DIY dryer sheets are simple, natural, and safe for sensitive skin. Try these and I’m sure you will be ditching the store-bought dryer sheets for good! 

My DIY dryer sheets smell sooo good. It gives my clothes a faint, fresh clean scent.  Since these are reusable, you can use old wash cloths, cut up t-shirts or simple quilting squares.

 Here is what you will need:

  •  1 large jar (I reused a pickle jar, but anything with a sealed lid will work, as long as it has a wide mouth)
  •  2.5 cups of water
  •  2.5 cups of white vinegar
  •  3-4 tbsps vegetable...
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DIY Bubble Bath

Taking a bubble bath can be a fun treat for kids, or part of a relaxing nighttime ritual for adults. However, most store bought bubble baths are full of artificial chemicals, fragrances and can be irritating to your skin. To reduce the chemicals in your home, but still enjoy the benefits of all the bubbles, I recommend making your own bubble bath with essential oils and other ingredients that are gentle on your skin.

While you could add essential oil directly to your bath, essential oils are not water soluble, meaning they won't dissolve in water alone and will sit on top of your bathwater. To resolve this issue, you would normally add essential oils to epsom salt or soap and add it to the water. In this case, the other ingredients in my DIY bubble bath help disperse the oil throughout the water in the same way.

Including an essential oil in your bath is a great choice when you want to create a specific atmosphere. For example, for a relaxing bath, use...

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