Christmas Cleaning

With Christmas coming. that means lots of visitors and germs, EVERYWHERE! How do you clean and sanitize your home for this busy time of year?  Here are a few of the ways I like to keep my home in tip top shape for all my family that is coming by and popping in.

DIY Febreze Spray 

It’s all natural, non-toxic and is a fraction of the price of regular Febreze! I’ve been making this along with my DIY homemade cleaning spray and it feels so good to not spend money on cleaning supplies!

You can use whatever combination of essential oils you prefer.  For this spray, I use Orange, Lavender, and Lemongrass.


  • Vodka
  • Empty Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Essential Oils  

How To Make:

Step 1: Combine all ingredients together in a spray bottle

Step 2: Shake to mix

Step 3: Spray on fabrics and around your home for a fresh smell!

OnGuard, how many ways can we use this amazing essential oil blend??  How do you use OnGuard concentrate? Here are the many ways I use it year-round!

Make Up brush cleaner

1 Tbsp +  8 oz water

Soak, Rinse, Let dry

Floor Cleaner 

3 tbsp + 1 gallon of water


3 Tbsp + 24 oz water

Dish Soap

3 Tbsp + 24 oz water

Stove top cleanser

2 Tbsp + 24 oz water

Tough Jobs

Apply directly to area, let soak

Trash Can cleaner

2 Tbsp + water

Let soak, then rinse

Toilet Cleaner

2 Tbsp in toilet

Soak, then scrub

Laundry Machine Cleaner

1 Tbsp + 2 cup vinegar

Run cycle on hot

Garbage Disposal Tablets

3 Tbsp + 1 cup baking soda + ½ cup salt + ¼ water

Toy Cleaner

 2 Tbsp + 24 oz water

How are you preparing your home for holiday season? What do you use in your everyday cleaning routine?  I would love to hear in the comments below….


XOXO Alisha


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