
Essential Oils & DIY Kid Crafts

School is out and the kids are getting bored! Want some all natural activities for your kiddos??  

Try these essential oil all natural kid projects to keep your kids entertained and occupied this summer! 



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup salt
  • 4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 2 cups lukewarm water
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil, coconut oil works too if you that on hand 
  • Food coloring (optional but it isn’t playdough without all the colors of the rainbow and I always prefer the natural food coloring)
  • DoTerra oils of your choice 
  • Quart sized bags
  • Gallon sized bags


  1. Sir the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a large pot.
  2. Next add the vegetable oil. If you are only making one color add in the color now as well.
  3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly
  4. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball
  5. Remove from heat and then place inside a gallon size bag or onto wax paper
  6. Allow to cool slightly and then...
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Cake & Pies

As you know I LOVE this time of year.  Spending time with family and friends, catching up and sharing laughs, feels me with such joy!

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I wanted to share a couple amazing recipes with ya’ll……and this weeks focus….CAKE & PIES!!!!  I love pie. I love cake. To be honest I love anything sweet.  These recipes are sure to be a big hit at Thanksgiving this year. 

5 cups apple, sliced
¼ cup sugar
1 pinch nutmeg
½ teaspoon cinnamon
6 drops Lemon Oil
¼ cup flour

3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon vinegar
6–7 tablespoons of cold water


  1.  Mix all pie filling ingredients together. Cook on medium heat until it comes to a boil. Stir constantly so that sugars don't burn. Set aside. 
  2.  For pie crust, place flour, salt, and butter in a medium bowl. Crumb together until little...
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Easter & Essential Oils

Its officially Spring…we’ve been on Spring Break all week and Easter is this coming this Sunday!!! We have sleeping in, staying up late and of course, dying and hiding eggs like crazy this week.  We’ve all picked out our Easter outfits and are really excited about this coming Sunday’s service.  

In celebration of Easter, I want to give y’all TEN diffuser blends to put in your Easter basket!!

Happy Easter

  • 2 drops Geranium oil  
  • 3 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 4 drops Lime oil

Easter Morning

  • 4 drops Tangerine oil
  • 3 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 1 drop Ginger oil
  • 1 drop Patchouli oil

Easter Lily 

  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang oil
  • 2 drops Geranium oil
  • 1 drop Lavender oil
  • 1 drops Rose oil

Jelly Beans

  • 2 drops Juniper Berry oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 1 drop Lemongrass oil
  • 3 drops Citrus Bliss oil

Blessed Easter

  • 2 drops Basil oil
  • 2 drops Clary Sage oil
  • 2 drops Lemon oil
  • 1 drop Spearmint oil

Easter Joy

  • 3 drops Grapefruit oil
  • 3 drops Peppermint oil
  • 2 drops...
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Resolution 5: Replace Medicine Cabinet Items with Oils

Alright you guys…it’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 5, our final week!! Still hanging in there with me?  Are you starting to see all the amazing benefits and how these 5 Essential Oils Resolutions help you maximize those benefits? 

Our final resolution is…drum roll… 


So many essential oils support healthy immune function and contain cleansing properties.  The health support benefit of essential oils are one of the main benefits of their use.  

With a big family, I turn to my oils when sickness or injuries occur.  Below are some recipes I use in my home. 

Cough Syrup:

  • 8 tbsp of Honey
  • 8 drops Lemon oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense oil
  • 8 drops Wild Orange oil

First Aid Spray:

  • 3 drops Helichrysum oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Melaleuca oil
  • 3 drops Basil oil

Sunburn Relief Lotion:

  • 4 oz Fractionated Coconut oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil
  • 6 drops...
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Product Spotlight: Peppermint

In celebration of all things Christmas, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing essential oil of Peppermint.  This oil is used to help promote a healthy respiratory function and alleviate stomach upset, when taken internally.  It repels insects, promotes clear breathing, and smells wonderful.   

Peppermint oil is culinary wonder and can be used to add a fresh boost to meals.  Try it in a smoothie or dessert!  Check out this amazing holiday recipe.   

Peppermint Bark


  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups white chocolate pieces
  • 2-3 mini candy canes
  • 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Bit of coconut oil  


  1. Use a 9 X 13 cookie sheet
  2. Lightly coat cookie sheet in coconut oil 
  3. Put chocolate chips in bowl with 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 
  4. Microwave or double boil the chocolate chips until melted
  5. Poor melted chocolate onto cookie sheet, spread evenly, and put in freezer
  6. While chocolate hardens, crush candy...
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Cookies & Cocoa

Nothing says its Holiday time like cookies and warm cocoa.  I love to gather my kiddos, snuggle together by a warm fire, munch on some homemade cookies and sip some delicious cocoa, while watching our favorite holiday movies.  The kids really enjoy this!  We bake during the day and watch movies in our jammies at night.  It is one of my favorite holiday things to do as a family.   

Since I love you guys and want you to have the best Holiday season, I have gathered my favorite doTERRA recipes below…just for you!!

Hot Cocoa


  • 1 cup water
  • 5 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia or 1 ½ teaspoon powdered stevia (amount of sweetener can be adjusted to taste)
  • 1–2 tablespoons sugar or agave (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 cups almond milk

Recommended Essential Oils: Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Wild Orange, or Peppermint oil


  1. Heat water, cocoa powder, and...
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Product Spotlight: Cinnamon Bark

In celebration of all things Fall, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing oil that is Cinnamon Bark.  This oil is used for a healthy metabolic function and immune system!  It repels insects, flavors food, and smells wonderful.  

Cinnamon is used in many culinary dishes from desserts, to the main course, to hot beverages.  Check out one of my favorite cinnamon recipes below.

Cinnamon Apple Chips


  • 7–8 medium sized apples
  • 1 tablespoon sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 6 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil  


  1. Preheat oven to 225° F.
  2. Put parchment paper onto two baking sheets.
  3. Combine sugar and Cinnamon Bark oil in small bowl. Stir to combine.
  4. Slice apples into thin slices.
  5. Place apples onto parchment paper covered baking sheet in single layer.
  6. Sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon essential oil sugar mixture.
  7. Place baking sheets in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Halfway through, flip apples over.
  8. When edges of apples are...
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Thanksgiving & Essential Oils

As you know I LOVE this time of year.  Spending time with family and friends, catching up and sharing laughs, feels me with such joy!

Since Thanksgiving is next week……I can hardly contain my excitement……I’m about to share with ya’ll some amazing recipes that use essential oils in everyone’s familiar Thanksgiving favorites.  

Citrus & Herb Butter


  • 4 drops Wild Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops Lemon essential oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature


  1. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and stir together thoroughly. Set aside.
  2. Use fingers to carefully loosen skin around the entire bird. Take ¼ of the butter mixture and rub it, thoroughly, under skin making sure to coat as much of the turkey as possible. Brush remaining butter mixture...
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Self Care is the New Black

Even though it’s been a few weeks, wait no, months, heck, I honestly don’t even know anymore, but my point is this: it’s been awhile since we’ve had any sense of ‘normal’ but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in a little at home self care. In fact, I totally recommend it. 

I mean, nothing at home is EVER going to compare to the nail salon or your favorite hairstylist. Those things will always hold a very special place in our hearts, but in the meantime, this momma can’t live without self care.

No, I mean it, y’all. I would not survive. 

Self care is absolutely essential in my home. And what I love about self care is that there is no right or wrong way to self care. Whether it’s eating a little healthier and drinking more water everyday or it’s that long, hot bubble bath we escape to once a week. Whatever it is, whatever it looks like for you and your family, just do it.

Carve out the time and...

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Drumroll, Please.

First, let me welcome you to my new blog. I cannot tell you how excited I am to finally have this up and running. It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but once you get to know me you might understand why it’s taken a little longer than expected.

For those of you who are new around here, my name is Alisha. I have been married for 18 years (yes, I had to double check with the husband to make sure I got it right-ha) and we have seven kids one of which is special needs: 14, 12, 9, 7, 6, 3 and 2. 

Life can be pretty crazy around our house. I mean, it kind of has to be with seven kids, right?

We call Browns Summit, NC home. And not only do we have a whole bunch of kids, but we also have a whole bunch of animals too. Told you I was crazy, I mean IT was crazy. (Haha)

But truthfully, I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is my tribe and I love our crazy life.

I never set out to become a doTERRA advocate, but after our son Joel was born...

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