Drumroll, Please.

First, let me welcome you to my new blog. I cannot tell you how excited I am to finally have this up and running. It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but once you get to know me you might understand why it’s taken a little longer than expected.

For those of you who are new around here, my name is Alisha. I have been married for 18 years (yes, I had to double check with the husband to make sure I got it right-ha) and we have seven kids one of which is special needs: 14, 12, 9, 7, 6, 3 and 2. 

Life can be pretty crazy around our house. I mean, it kind of has to be with seven kids, right?

We call Browns Summit, NC home. And not only do we have a whole bunch of kids, but we also have a whole bunch of animals too. Told you I was crazy, I mean IT was crazy. (Haha)

But truthfully, I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is my tribe and I love our crazy life.

I never set out to become a doTERRA advocate, but after our son Joel was born things changed.

Joel was born with some really complicated digestive issues and it broke this momma’s heart. It was awful watching our baby suffer and not knowing what we could do to help him. We tried everything. We visited specialist after specialist and we frequented Brenner’s Children’s hospital. We tried medicine after medicine and nothing was working. We were at a total loss.

Months passed and finally I had a friend suggest that I try a more non conventional approach. I was willing to try anything at this point. She gave me a bottle of doTERRA’s Digestzen. This would be the first essential oil that I had ever tried. I didn’t know anything about essential oils, but when we tried it on Joel, it actually worked.

I couldn’t believe it.

So, of course, this led to me doing hours and hours and hours of research. I had never really looked into oils and so I wasn’t sure that it was even safe to use on my sweet boy. Spoiler alert- it was totally safe to use.

Surely this has to be some kind of fluke… I thought to myself, but it wasn’t. The oil was actually working and helping daily with Joel. He was a completely different kid and this momma finally took that sigh of relief.

Y’all, I was hooked.

I knew that I had to share these oils with those I cared most about and that was that. How could I not share? The transformation that I had seen in Joel was enough to become a true believer in essential oils. So obviously the next step was to become a doTERRA advocate.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that I just had to share these amazing oils with everyone I knew. And that’s what I did.

Six years later, I am a Blue Diamond leader, leading a team of over 7,000 women and men. I am a diamond club winner (more on that later), but none of that compares to the feeling I have knowing that I am helping people change their lives to live a more healthy, holistic life and maybe even make a little bit of extra money on the side. Seriously, what better job is there?

I definitely don’t say these things to brag, but just to show you how quickly things can change. I never saw myself working with doTERRA. I had never even heard of oils, but because that one friend took a chance SO many things happened for our family.

I can’t imagine my life without these oils. They have truly changed my life. From the benefits of using them to what this opportunity has done for our family.

Life is pretty crazy, but it is so incredibly sweet too.

I hope you’ll hang around and get to know me a little better. I can’t wait to give you the inside look at our life and maybe even help change yours!

Talk soon!

XXOO- Alisha





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