Self Care is the New Black

Even though it’s been a few weeks, wait no, months, heck, I honestly don’t even know anymore, but my point is this: it’s been awhile since we’ve had any sense of ‘normal’ but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in a little at home self care. In fact, I totally recommend it. 

I mean, nothing at home is EVER going to compare to the nail salon or your favorite hairstylist. Those things will always hold a very special place in our hearts, but in the meantime, this momma can’t live without self care.

No, I mean it, y’all. I would not survive. 

Self care is absolutely essential in my home. And what I love about self care is that there is no right or wrong way to self care. Whether it’s eating a little healthier and drinking more water everyday or it’s that long, hot bubble bath we escape to once a week. Whatever it is, whatever it looks like for you and your family, just do it.

Carve out the time and stick to it. So often we can let what we call ‘little things’ go for what we think is more important i.e. the kids need something, the husband needs something, a friend needs something, a complete stranger at the grocery store needs something…you get the point, but the truth is, WE need a little something too sometimes and if I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that you can’t give from an empty well.

Before everything shut down, I loved loved LOVED going and getting pedicures. It was one of my favorite things to do. On special occasions I’d treat myself to a massage because y’all, you aren’t living until you’ve had an amazing massage. But now that things are different, my self care routine is a little different and I wanted to share it with y’all and hopefully inspire you to take a little time out this weekend for yourself and refill that well of yours.

Hot bubble baths are a must in my book. The husband hangs with the kids because life with seven kids means it has to be a team effort. I am not bothered. It is quiet. I can just be. I don’t have to think or answer anyone’s questions. There’s no asking me for a snack. Or telling me for the 100th time that you’re thirsty. Once that door closes it is on. I am in my own little world and I can feel myself recharging.

To keep my mood uplifted I love keeping Balance, Motivate, Cheer and Adaptiv. Balance for when things are a little stressful and I need to just relax and breathe. Motivate for when I need to really get going. Cheer for when I need some extra positivity in my life. And Adaptiv to help ease my body and mind.

Sometimes when I’m feeling extra fancy I’ll give myself a little facial with Immortelle and Frankincense. I swear these oils keep me looking younger, y’all. (More on my skincare later!)

Then there’s reading. This is a daily self care habit that I’ve developed over the years. I love to read. And so I make sure to always carve out a little time (sometimes A LOT of time) each day to read. It keeps me happy. It keeps my mind sharp. And it helps me grow into the woman I strive to be.

Y’all, I truly believe that self care is even more necessary these days than in the past. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, do something just for you this weekend. And if self care is something you’ve been fortunate enough to practice share some of your favorite ways to self care. I’m always looking for new things to try!




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