
Friday Favorites: First Aid Edition

Okay momma's this one is for you.

Let's talk First Aid. I don't know about you, but with all these kids running around I am constantly needing something from the first aid kit. 

I am especially grateful for these tips and tricks in the times we are in. Being able to have safe first aid products available at home without having to run to the store is a lifesaver, no pun intended. 

(Kidding, I totally intended a pun.)

Flu Shot in a Bottle

  • 40 drops lemon
  • 30 drops protective blend
  • 20 drops oregano
  • Fractionated coconut oil

Mix essential oils in roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil. This is a great remedy for the onset of an illness. When you feel a scratchy throat or aches coming on, you will want to apply mixture to throat, bottoms of feet, and behind the ears. Because this mix contains oregano essential oil, it should be used for only five to seven days. Oregano essential oil can be hard on the liver when used for long periods of time. Protective blend...

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Wednesday Wisdom: Why doTERRA?

I cannot tell you how many times people ask me "Why doTERRA?" 

What is it about this brand? This company? Why have I chosen to not only align myself with this company as a business, but why I have chosen to use these oils on those that I care most about? 

Easy, purity. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, I can sit here and come up with a 1,000 reasons why you should choose doTERRA, but for me, it all comes back to purity. 

Not all oils are created equally, unfortunately. And it can be tricky trying to navigate a virtually unregulated industry. 

I have personally bought oils from other companies and had them sent off for testing only to learn that THEY ARE NOT PURE! Sure, it cost me a lot of money, but it proved exactly what I have been shouting for years: that doTERRA is the ONLY brand on the market that proves their purity time and time again. 

And this is extremely important for consumers like you! You do not want to be ingesting these oils if they are not...

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Friday Favorites: My Favorite Oils to Cook With + Recipes

Okay, so today I wanted to tell you guys about my favorite oils to cook with. And I thought I would even share my favorite recipes with you too! 

First up, Lemon. I love our Lemon oil. You can add it to your water. You can add it to chicken recipes, but my favorite way to cook with Lemon oil is by making Lemon Fruit Dip. 

Try it, you'll see what I mean. 

Next, I love our Black Pepper/Pink Pepper oil. I make a mean peppered burger that the whole family loves. Even the pickiest ones. 

And finally, are you really cooking if you don't use Rosemary oil? One of my favorite comfort foods is mashed potatoes. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. And just when I thought mashed potatoes couldn't get any better, I found out they could...with Rosemary. 

Do you have a favorite oil to cook with? Or a recipe you're known for? You have to tell us! 

Lemon Fruit Dip
  • 1 package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2...
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Let me Fill you in...

Hey y'all. 

So this post is a little different. 

I've had a lot going on in my personal life lately and I thought about sharing it with you guys, but I wasn't sure I should until this past weekend. 

This is my space for you to join me. This is a place for us to come together. And so I knew I had to share what was going on.

So where do I start? 

My father-in-law recently had a heart catherization and stint placement after learning that he had had a heart attack one Sunday morning. After lots of testing it was obvious that he was on course to have another heart attack if action wasn't taken. 

There was damage done to the heart, but he is on medications to help strengthen his heart and keep the stint open. He is at home and resting. Taking some much needed time off to let his body heal. And I'm happy to report that he is feeling much better. 

Then there's my mom, Tammie. 

I won't go into all the details here because you can actually follow her story...

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My Favorite Diffuser Blends- Relaxation Edition

I don't know what it is right now, but I could use all the relaxation tips and tricks i can get. 

I have learned that you can't give from an empty well, but sometimes taking time out for ourselves can be hard. Maybe we feel guilty? Or maybe there's just no time? Whatever the reason, it is okay. 

Try diffusing my favorite blends for relaxation. I keep my diffusers going all day long. Not only does it make the house smell amazing, but it calms my nerves and everyone else who's under the roof. 

It's a win-win for everyone.

Do you have a favorite relaxation blend? Tell me about it! 

Until next time y'all, woo-sah.


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Wake up!

I don't know about you, but I could seriously use all the extra energy I can get. 

I do my best to take care of myself, eat well, drink a lot of water, get enough rest (hahahahaha- Mom's will know why I'm laughing), etc. But sometimes I just need a little extra oomph. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my coffee. Like, love my coffee, but I feel like I've been drinking it for so long that somehow my body has become immune to it. And really it doesn't do anything to give me extra energy these days. 

So what's a girl to do? Life, as you probably know it, does not slow down for anyone, especially for a mom of seven. 

Well, lucky for all of us, there's an oil(s) for that. 

Single Oils

  • Basil: stimulating and reviving
  • Peppermint: invigorating and energizing
  • Wild orange: uplifting and rejuvenating
  • Lemon: cleansing and refreshing
  • Lime: energizing and enlivening


  • Invigorating blend: rejuvenating and energizing
  • Respiration blend: invigorating and reviving
  • ...
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Splish Splash, I was Taking a Bath.

Ah, stress, It's something I do my best to avoid, but let's be real, with this many kids (love y'all!), a husband (love you too!), way too many pets according to 'some people' and you just live in the world today, stress is sometimes inevitable.

Today, I wanted to share with you my favorite ways to destress. From single oils to bath remedies. Add a few of these to your weekly self care, you won't regret it. 

Single Blends

  • Lavender- calms and relieves stress
  • Roman chamomile- calms reduces stress
  • Wild orange- energizes while reducing anxiety and depression
  • Frankincense- reduces depression, trauma, and tension
  • Vetiver- improves focus and sedates


  • Invigorating blend- energizes while reducing anxiety and depression
  • Grounding blend- balances mood while reducing stress and trauma
  • Calming blend- reduces anxiety and stress
  • Tension blend- relieves tension and stress
  • Women's blend- balances hormones and calms anxiety

Roller Bottle Remedies

Combine oils into a roller bottle and...

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That's It!

"That's it! I've had enough!" You might think I'm yelling at one of my kids, separating a fight, or just yelling out of pure mom frustration. 

Nope, wrong.

It's bugs y'all. I am so over the bugs. I've already shared a DIY bug spray, but today I wanted to go a little further in my pest repellents. 

Whether they are in your garden destroying your beautiful homegrown tomatoes or they are just keeping you from spending the time outside that you've been waiting for, it's time to get serious.

Below is a list of pests and the essential oils you can use to repel those unwanted visitors. 

  • Ants:  peppermint, spearmint
  • Aphids: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Beetles: peppermint, thyme
  • Caterpillars: spearmint, peppermint
  • Chiggers: lavender, lemongrass, sage, thyme
  • Fleas: peppermint, lemongrass, spearmint, lavender
  • Flies: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage
  • Gnats: patchouli, spearmint
  • Lice: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Mosquitos: lavender,...
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Just for Beginners

I don't know about y'all, but when I started making the switch to safer, healthier products for me and those I loved most, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with all the choices.

Where in the world was I supposed to start?

This is probably one of the questions I get asked the most. Where to begin? 

Now, I love all my oils and y'all know that. And I already came up with my Top Three Favorite Oils, but I wanted to share my top three oils for beginners. 

I always suggest that new people start with these oils. They have some great benefits. They smell amazing. And they are easy to understand. 

First up is Lavender. This oil is great for stress relief and calming effects. I love diffusing Lavender at the end of a long day or right before bedtime. It just soothes and calms the world around you. And it smells soooooo good. 

Next, is Lemon. This is probably one of my most used oils. I put it in my water. I use it to clean and disinfect. I diffuse it to...

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Switching to Safer

I think it's a given that we, especially as women and mothers, are always trying to do our best to take care of those we love. 

We try to make better choices on the foods we eat. We try to make sure that everyone is drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. So it can be super frustrating to find out that some of our well thought out choices are actually no better than the junk we're trying to avoid. 

So how do we even begin to make the switch to safer if we aren't even sure what safer actually is??

I totally get your frustration and I'm hoping I can help just a little! 

My number one suggestion is to ditch the "fragrance". No, I'm not just talking about the perfume and body spray, but rather anything with the word "fragrance" listed as an ingredient. 

Did you know that the word "fragrance" is considered a trade secret meaning companies don't actually have to disclose the ingredients they are using to create said fragrance. 

Cool, huh? 

So what...

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