Wednesday Wisdom: Why doTERRA?

I cannot tell you how many times people ask me "Why doTERRA?" 

What is it about this brand? This company? Why have I chosen to not only align myself with this company as a business, but why I have chosen to use these oils on those that I care most about? 

Easy, purity. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, I can sit here and come up with a 1,000 reasons why you should choose doTERRA, but for me, it all comes back to purity. 

Not all oils are created equally, unfortunately. And it can be tricky trying to navigate a virtually unregulated industry. 

I have personally bought oils from other companies and had them sent off for testing only to learn that THEY ARE NOT PURE! Sure, it cost me a lot of money, but it proved exactly what I have been shouting for years: that doTERRA is the ONLY brand on the market that proves their purity time and time again. 

And this is extremely important for consumers like you! You do not want to be ingesting these oils if they are not pure. That can be harmful to your health, duh.

This isn't about making your house smell good. This is about using these oils the way they were intended to be used. This is about being able to see results and truly reap the benefits these oils have to offer. 

I have a saying that I like to live by "buy it nice, or buy it twice". You truly do get what you pay for. 

When you use a bottle of doTERRA essential oil, you’re using an oil that is pure. There are no contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. The essential oil industry did not have standards to ensure purity, so doTERRA created one. 

Every batch of doTERRA essential oils goes through a rigorous testing process—well beyond what would be considered “good enough.” After that, each oil is sent to an independent third party for further testing and validation.

At the end of the day, purity was and still is the most important reason for me. It's got to be! When you are putting these things on your skin and on your kiddos, you want to make sure you know what you're using and where it comes from. 

And doTERRA takes purity to a completely different level. 

Curious to learn more? I'd love to talk! 



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