Friday Favorites: First Aid Edition

Okay momma's this one is for you.

Let's talk First Aid. I don't know about you, but with all these kids running around I am constantly needing something from the first aid kit. 

I am especially grateful for these tips and tricks in the times we are in. Being able to have safe first aid products available at home without having to run to the store is a lifesaver, no pun intended. 

(Kidding, I totally intended a pun.)

Flu Shot in a Bottle

  • 40 drops lemon
  • 30 drops protective blend
  • 20 drops oregano
  • Fractionated coconut oil

Mix essential oils in roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil. This is a great remedy for the onset of an illness. When you feel a scratchy throat or aches coming on, you will want to apply mixture to throat, bottoms of feet, and behind the ears. Because this mix contains oregano essential oil, it should be used for only five to seven days. Oregano essential oil can be hard on the liver when used for long periods of time. Protective blend essential oil should also be used along the spine (apply with coconut oil since it is a warm oil) and on bottoms of feet for prevention of illness. 

Ouchie Blend

  • 2 drops roman chamomile
  • 2 drops melaleuca 
  • 2 drops lavender 
  • 1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil

Mix and apply directly to cuts or scrapes.

Allergy Relief

  • 4 drops lemon
  • 4 drops lavender
  • 4 drops peppermint
  • Fractionated coconut oil

In a small roller bottle, mix essential oils and fill remainder with fractionated coconut oil. Shake and roll as needed.

Top Reasons you should include essential oils in your first aid kit? First, they're multi-faceted. You can disinfect a cut, stop bleeding, and soothe a child with a single application of a few drops of lavender essential oil. 

Next, they're affordable! They are pennies on the dollar for what you'd pay for most over-the-counter medications.

Did I mention they don't expire? They have an extended shelf-life that will keep you from wasting your oils. 

And finally, they are all natural, which means you'll get to avoid any of the negative side effects of synthetic medications by using nature's medicine cabinet.

Do you have a favorite first aid trick or tip? Share below in the comments! I'm always looking for more ideas! 



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