
DIY Hair Growth Oil

The fight for long, luscious, thick hair has been going on for centuries. There have been thousands of tonics, brews, chemical concoctions, or even “old wife’s tales” to “help” promote natural hair growth. A natural hair growth oil recipe is not new, but our understanding of why certain ingredients are chosen has increased greatly.

We now use this knowledge to come up with a natural hair growth oil recipe……

There are a lot of reasons why you may be looking for a natural hair growth oil:

  1. We may style and color our hair until it is broken, thin, and basically a damaged mess.
  2. Others may have a health issue that has caused their hair to thin or has caused significant hair loss, this includes medications that cause hair thinning or hair loss.
  3. Still others may have poor eating habits. If you are not healthy in body, you will not have healthy, beautiful hair.
  4. Lastly, we cannot forget that genetics play a huge role! If your mom has thin hair,...
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Essential Oils & Summertime Fun

I don’t know about y’all…but if you're like us you start spending more and more time outside. We love the longer days and playing in the sun!!  

If you live for those brilliant summer skies make sure and take essential oils along for the ride…

First on our list is the TerraShield® Outdoor Blend. No matter the activity, everyone should keep this blend with them during their outdoor adventures. It is an effective, natural repellent that leaves out the nasty chemicals. Aside from TerraShield, there are plenty of other “outdoor” oils to have on hand, too.

Going Out in the Sun

At the beach or the campground, everyone needs to get outside and enjoy some time in the sun for the mood-boosting and vitamin D benefits. However, make sure you pack these skin-friendly oils to keep cool and refreshed.

  •  Peppermint: Apply in in a roller bottle directly to your skin when you need to cool down most. Or, add a few drops to a spray bottle with water...
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Spotlight: Vetiver Essential Oil

Happy May Ya’ll!!!  I want to start this month off with a spotlight on Vetiver!! 

With a unique, exotic aroma, Vetiver oil is ideal for massage therapy and a calming routine before going to sleep.  It can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to prepare for a restful night’s sleep. 


  • Use Vetiver oil as a massage oil.
  • Take a warm bath with a few drops of Vetiver essential oil for deep relaxation.
  • Diffuse Vetiver oil.
  • Use a toothpick to help get the desired amount out of the container if Vetiver oil is too thick to get out of the bottle.  A little goes a long way. 

If you’re in love with the smell of Vetiver like I do, you will love these diffuser recipes.

Fresh Rain Smell:

6 drops Lemon essential oil

3 drops Vetiver essential oil  

Calming Afternoon:

3 drops Lavender essential oil

3 drops Frankincense essential oil

2 drops Vetiver essential oil   

Stress Less:

3 drops Bergamot essential oil

3 drops...

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Spotlight: Ylang Ylang

IT’S SHOUT OUT TIME!!!  So I want to give a huge shout out to one of my favorite smelling essential oils….ylang yang!!

This amazing essential oil is derived from the star-shaped flowers of the tropical Ylang Ylang tree and is used in making perfumes and in aromatherapy. This oil is used to lessen tension and stress and to promote a positive outlook. When taken internally, Ylang Ylang provides antioxidant support. 

Looking for ways to use this amazing oil…

  • Put into an Epsom Salt bath for relaxation.
  • Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.
  • Put on your wrists for a sweet, floral perfume.
  • Add to Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.

One of the many benefits of Ylang Ylang is for emotional balance.  Use this oil to help with…

  • Reduces irritability
  • Helps to relieve depression
  • Helps to reduce stress & tension
  • Awakens the sensuality, promotes feeling so romance.
  • Uplifts the mood
  • ...
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Resolution 3: Bedtime Routine with Essential Oils

Hey ya’ll!!  It’s week 3 of our resolutions!!!  How’s it going so far?  

Have you been able to use one oil a day for the last 14 days?  I have!!  

Get your new oil for January?  Check!  If you haven’t picked your January oil, I highly recommend AirX!

Let's get to our 3rd Essential Oil Resolution. 


Essential oils are an amazing way to close out your day.  They help you wind down from a hard day…  Diffuse in the air, or rub on your feet, or down your spine at night for tons of health benefits while you sleep.  

Below are some ways that you can use essential oils at bedtime… 

Take an essential oil bath.  Baths are a great way to release stress, tension, and toxins from your body.  Add some epson salts and your favorite oil to a warm bath and relax.  Baths are a great way to help kids unwind before bed.  

Apply a...

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Winter's Coming!!!

Oh my goodness!!  Did anyone take a step outside this morning and freeze?  It’s cold!!  

The temperature change shocked me and reminded me that Old Man Winter is on the way.  I try to always be a “glass half full” type of person so I’ll tell you first what I LOVE about Winter…fires, warm drinks, comfy blankets, Christmas, and the occasional snow.  Now I’ll be honest……Winter can also be a hard season. The Winter time brings some of the darkest and coldest days of the year.  Add in Covid and this Winter will no doubt be hard.  

So to bring some soothing comfort and warmth into your home, I’m going to give you TEN… Yes, you read that right, TEN amazing diffuser blends to help you chase away the Winter blues.  

Positive Energy Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil
  • 1 drop Tangerine oil

Warm & Cosy Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange...
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Holiday DIY Gifts

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I’m one of those holiday gift planners; I plan each gift out, keep everything organized with an app on my phone, and I try to stay on budget.  Try!!!  LOL!!  This year since I’m home more and trying to spread extra joy and cheer, I have decided to make my close friends and family essential oil pampering products.  I love DIY gifts!  I get to be creative and get to customize them for the receiver.   

This year I am going with a peppermint theme.  Peppermint Essential Oil has so many amazing benefits.  This oil promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing, digestive health when taken internally, and repels bugs naturally. 

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub


  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut oil 
  • 12 drops Peppermint oil 
  • Skin safe food coloring


  1. Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut...
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Happy Fall Ya'll

Happy Fall Ya’ll!! I have always wanted to say that!!  Hahaha!!  

I love fall & I love everything fall!  The weather getting cooler, leaves changing colors, Fall Festivals, the sights, sounds & smells, and PUMPKIN!! Who doesn’t love pumpkin?  Since we’re right in the middle of fall, I wanted to share some of my favorite comforts of the season.  

First is Pumpkin Butter infused with Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clove essential oils.  All three of these oils have amazing benefits when taken internally and this treat is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.


  • 1 29-ounce can pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • cup coconut sugar (or substitute organic brown sugar)
  • ¼ cup grade-A maple syrup
  • ½ cup unsweetened apple juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 toothpick Ginger Oil 
  • 1 toothpick Cinnamon Bark Oil 
  • 1 toothpick Clove Oil 


  1. Add all ingredients to a...
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Essential Oils and Pain Relief

I don't know about y'all, but this body ain't what it used to be. And not for a lack of trying, but you guys know what I'm talking about. The older we get, the harder it is for things to heal. Or we're just dealing with the effects of growing older with sore muscles and just some general aches and pains. 

Well, enough is enough! Am I right?! Okay, I'll calm down, but for reals y'all, sore muscles are no joke these days. And yet, they are bound to happen. Whether after a workout or after getting out of the bed. Totally depends on the day of the week. 

But I have some great news! I've compiled a list of my favorite top ten essential oils for pain, sore muscles, and swelling and I think you're going to love it! 

  1. Peppermint- Because peppermint contains menthol it has a wonderful "cooling" effect on those worn out muscles. 
  2. Marjoram- This oil is great for relaxing muscle spasms and tension. It is also well known for easing pain and inflammation.
  3. Lavender- This...
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3 Reasons Essential Oils are Awesome

I hope y'all know just how hard it was for me to choose just 3 reasons why EO's are awesome. 

Because there are like SO MANY REASONS, but I know we all have things to do so I'll keep it to my favorite 3. 

In no particular order here we go.

1. The DIY potential is endless. Like endless, endless. You can seriously make so many things, y'all. And with the holidays quickly approaching this is something you are going to want to look into. From at home spa products to crafts with the kids, there is seriously something for everyone. 

2. They're for the whole family. Headache? I got you. Belly ache? I got you. Restlessness? I got you. Germs? I got you. Whatever anyone in the family needs, I got them. And I love that I don't have to worry about if they're filled with icky ingredients or not.

3. They bring all the amazing benefits of nature right to you. Nature is kind of amazing, y'all. And I'm a true believer that the good Lord equipped us with all the...

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