Essential Oils and Pain Relief

I don't know about y'all, but this body ain't what it used to be. And not for a lack of trying, but you guys know what I'm talking about. The older we get, the harder it is for things to heal. Or we're just dealing with the effects of growing older with sore muscles and just some general aches and pains. 

Well, enough is enough! Am I right?! Okay, I'll calm down, but for reals y'all, sore muscles are no joke these days. And yet, they are bound to happen. Whether after a workout or after getting out of the bed. Totally depends on the day of the week. 

But I have some great news! I've compiled a list of my favorite top ten essential oils for pain, sore muscles, and swelling and I think you're going to love it! 

  1. Peppermint- Because peppermint contains menthol it has a wonderful "cooling" effect on those worn out muscles. 
  2. Marjoram- This oil is great for relaxing muscle spasms and tension. It is also well known for easing pain and inflammation.
  3. Lavender- This oil is known for it's amazing ability to calm and relax, but did you also know that it relieves pain and inflammation? Because it does and it's awesome.
  4. Rosemary- Also known for it's ability to ease pain and inflammation. (And it smells amazing!)
  5. Cypress- Cypress oil is known to calm and relax muscle spasms and it works to soothe and alleviate inflammation. 
  6. Ginger*
  7. Black Pepper*
  8. Clove*
    * These oils all have a warming effect that is great for sore muscles thus helping to relieve pain.
  9. Clary Sage- One of the best, this oil alleviates muscles tension and spasms while simultaneously promoting relaxation.
  10. Lemongrass- Lemongrass oil works great to reduce inflammation and swelling quickly.

Okay, so what did I leave off of my list? Any of your favorites? Let me know! 



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