
Resolution 3: Bedtime Routine with Essential Oils

Hey ya’ll!!  It’s week 3 of our resolutions!!!  How’s it going so far?  

Have you been able to use one oil a day for the last 14 days?  I have!!  

Get your new oil for January?  Check!  If you haven’t picked your January oil, I highly recommend AirX!

Let's get to our 3rd Essential Oil Resolution. 


Essential oils are an amazing way to close out your day.  They help you wind down from a hard day…  Diffuse in the air, or rub on your feet, or down your spine at night for tons of health benefits while you sleep.  

Below are some ways that you can use essential oils at bedtime… 

Take an essential oil bath.  Baths are a great way to release stress, tension, and toxins from your body.  Add some epson salts and your favorite oil to a warm bath and relax.  Baths are a great way to help kids unwind before bed.  

Apply a...

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Essential Oils and Pain Relief

I don't know about y'all, but this body ain't what it used to be. And not for a lack of trying, but you guys know what I'm talking about. The older we get, the harder it is for things to heal. Or we're just dealing with the effects of growing older with sore muscles and just some general aches and pains. 

Well, enough is enough! Am I right?! Okay, I'll calm down, but for reals y'all, sore muscles are no joke these days. And yet, they are bound to happen. Whether after a workout or after getting out of the bed. Totally depends on the day of the week. 

But I have some great news! I've compiled a list of my favorite top ten essential oils for pain, sore muscles, and swelling and I think you're going to love it! 

  1. Peppermint- Because peppermint contains menthol it has a wonderful "cooling" effect on those worn out muscles. 
  2. Marjoram- This oil is great for relaxing muscle spasms and tension. It is also well known for easing pain and inflammation.
  3. Lavender- This...
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Anti-Aging Blend

Okay ladies, you too guys! Let's talk anti-aging. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love growing older. I love learning and experiencing new things. And truth be told, getting older has only gotten better every year. 

With that said, however, what I do not like is looking old. I certainly don't feel old, well, not after I actually get out of the bed in the morning, kidding, sort of. So if I don't feel old why should I look old? 

The answer is: you don't. 

Our anti-aging blend is amazing, y'all. It's main ingredients are Frankincense, Hawaiian sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum and Rose.

You will want to use this oil to address wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, scars, stretch marks, blemishes, tension and mood balance, skin cancer, and meditation.

This is a beautiful blend with time-honored essential oils for radiant skin. And they aren't lyin'! 

Have you tried this blend? Do you have other anti-aging secrets? Do tell! I'm dying to know all the things! 


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Friday Favorites: DIY Scrubs

I don't know if there's something I love more than a nice homemade, DIY, body scrub. 

Y'all, I'm obsessed with the way they smell and the way they leave my skin. Plus, they make adorable gifts to give for all occasions. 

Festive Sugar Scrub

  • 3/4 cup white sugar, brown sugar, or sea salt
  • 1/2 cup fractionated coconut or other oil
  • 4 drops cassia essential oil
  • 4 drops clove essential oil
  • 4 drops ginger essential oil

Combine sugar and fractionated coconut oil in a bowl. Add essential oils. Stir until the mixture is the consistency of a slushy. Add more sugar or fractionated coconut oil to achieve desired consistency. Pour into airtight container. 

Sweet Orange Scrub

  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 7-8 drops wild orange essential oil

Combine thoroughly in a glass jar, add a label and ribbon, and enjoy or share. 

Vanilla Lavender Sugar Scrub

  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil

Combine thoroughly in a...

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Friday Favorites: First Aid Edition

Okay momma's this one is for you.

Let's talk First Aid. I don't know about you, but with all these kids running around I am constantly needing something from the first aid kit. 

I am especially grateful for these tips and tricks in the times we are in. Being able to have safe first aid products available at home without having to run to the store is a lifesaver, no pun intended. 

(Kidding, I totally intended a pun.)

Flu Shot in a Bottle

  • 40 drops lemon
  • 30 drops protective blend
  • 20 drops oregano
  • Fractionated coconut oil

Mix essential oils in roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil. This is a great remedy for the onset of an illness. When you feel a scratchy throat or aches coming on, you will want to apply mixture to throat, bottoms of feet, and behind the ears. Because this mix contains oregano essential oil, it should be used for only five to seven days. Oregano essential oil can be hard on the liver when used for long periods of time. Protective blend...

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Wednesday Wisdom: Why doTERRA?

I cannot tell you how many times people ask me "Why doTERRA?" 

What is it about this brand? This company? Why have I chosen to not only align myself with this company as a business, but why I have chosen to use these oils on those that I care most about? 

Easy, purity. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, I can sit here and come up with a 1,000 reasons why you should choose doTERRA, but for me, it all comes back to purity. 

Not all oils are created equally, unfortunately. And it can be tricky trying to navigate a virtually unregulated industry. 

I have personally bought oils from other companies and had them sent off for testing only to learn that THEY ARE NOT PURE! Sure, it cost me a lot of money, but it proved exactly what I have been shouting for years: that doTERRA is the ONLY brand on the market that proves their purity time and time again. 

And this is extremely important for consumers like you! You do not want to be ingesting these oils if they are not...

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Just for Beginners

I don't know about y'all, but when I started making the switch to safer, healthier products for me and those I loved most, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with all the choices.

Where in the world was I supposed to start?

This is probably one of the questions I get asked the most. Where to begin? 

Now, I love all my oils and y'all know that. And I already came up with my Top Three Favorite Oils, but I wanted to share my top three oils for beginners. 

I always suggest that new people start with these oils. They have some great benefits. They smell amazing. And they are easy to understand. 

First up is Lavender. This oil is great for stress relief and calming effects. I love diffusing Lavender at the end of a long day or right before bedtime. It just soothes and calms the world around you. And it smells soooooo good. 

Next, is Lemon. This is probably one of my most used oils. I put it in my water. I use it to clean and disinfect. I diffuse it to...

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