
Essential Oils & Hair Care

Hey ya’ll!! This week has flown by but I didn’t forget about you…Who wants to do some pampering hair care???  There are so many amazing uses for essential oils and hair care.  Dry scalp?  There is an essential oil for that.  Itchy scalp?  Oil for that!  Dull looking? Oil for that too!! 

This homemade Deep Hair Conditioner is easy to make and will leave your hair soft and smooth.


  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 8 drops doTERRA essential oils

A few great essential oils for your hair include: Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Geranium, and Clary Sage. You can use one or all five of the essential oils in your deep conditioner.


  • Put coconut oil, olive oil, and essential oils in mixing bowl.
  • Mix on medium/high speed for five minutes or until ingredients are whipped to a thick and creamy consistency.
  • Once whipped, apply to clean, dry hair.
  • Comb through with wide tooth comb to evenly...
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Spotlight: Ylang Ylang

IT’S SHOUT OUT TIME!!!  So I want to give a huge shout out to one of my favorite smelling essential oils….ylang yang!!

This amazing essential oil is derived from the star-shaped flowers of the tropical Ylang Ylang tree and is used in making perfumes and in aromatherapy. This oil is used to lessen tension and stress and to promote a positive outlook. When taken internally, Ylang Ylang provides antioxidant support. 

Looking for ways to use this amazing oil…

  • Put into an Epsom Salt bath for relaxation.
  • Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.
  • Put on your wrists for a sweet, floral perfume.
  • Add to Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.

One of the many benefits of Ylang Ylang is for emotional balance.  Use this oil to help with…

  • Reduces irritability
  • Helps to relieve depression
  • Helps to reduce stress & tension
  • Awakens the sensuality, promotes feeling so romance.
  • Uplifts the mood
  • ...
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Springtime Diffuser Blends

Y’all can you believe it?? Spring is only 8 days away…8 days!!  I can’t wait!! 

I love the first springtime rays of sunshine, getting on my gardening gloves, and digging in the dirt or playing with the kiddos in the yard.  The days are getting longer and activities move outdoors. 

To help welcome in Miss. Sunshine and Lady Flowers, I want to give y’all TEN diffuser blends to kick off this amazing season!!  

Hello Spring

  • 1 drop Geranium oil
  • 1 drop Grapefruit oil
  • 2 drops Lemon oil

Good Morning

  • 4 drops Joy oil
  • 3 drops Lemon oil

Springtime Clean

  • 2 drops Lavender oil
  • 3 drops Lime oil
  • 3 drops Lemon oil
  • 2 drops Rosemary oil

Sunny Day

  • 4 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil

Fresh & Clean

  • 4 drops Grapefruit oil
  • 3 drops Peppermint oil
  • 3 drops Clary Sage

Fresh Flowers

  • 5 drops Clary Sage oil
  • 3 drops Lavender oil
  • 2 drops Geranium oil 

Fresh Air

  • 3 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 3 drops Lavender oil
  • 2...
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Essentail Oils & Cleaning

Hey ya’ll!! This week I have thinking about deep cleaning in my kitchen.  I don’t know about y’all, but this is something I dread doing, but love to have done, once I am finished.  

This time, I’m really focused on using eco friendly products and essential oils in my cleaning.  Grease and grime gets everywhere in the kitchen.  That’s probably why the kitchen is one of the hardest rooms in the whole house to clean.  Using essential oils really helps cut through all this, sanitizes, and makes your whole kitchen smell amazing!!

Here are some of the oils I like to use in my cleaning…

Oregano Oil-damp & dark places

On Guard Oil-counters, kitchen, & all purpose

Tea Tree Oil-toilets, sinks, showers, washing machine odor, makeup brushes, & exercise mats

Lemon Oil-toilets, skinks, showers, floors, stainless steel, & wood

Lavender Oil-deodorizing, laundry, & carpets

Peppermint Oil-windows, mirrors, & pest...

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Keeping Your Mask Clean

Hey ya’ll!!  I recently did a social media post on “How to Keep Your Face Mask Clean” and I thought “what a great blog post”!!  

We’re all wearing them so we might as well talk about them and maybe with a little essential oil magic, we can make it a little more bearable.  Retailers around the world have taken the first step by designing cute and fashionable masks.  Now lets up our mask game by adding essential oils to help boost immune support and smell great! 

Keeping your mask clean will not only sanitize your mask, but also help you breath better, promote calm feelings, and smell amazing!  

I know having to wear a mask can make me feel anxious and sometime down right claustrophobic.  So I added some calming oils to my mask spray.  This helps me feel relaxed and centered.

Don’t like smelling your own breath all the time?  I know I don’t.  Essential oils in your mask spray will leave...

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Product Spotlight: Lemon

I want to give a huge shout out to one of my FAVORITE essential oils….lemon!  I love lemon! I love the smell! I love the taste and I LOVE what lemon does for the body.

Lemon oil is one of the most versatile of all the essential oils.  It cleanses and purifies the surfaces and the air.  Add a couple drops to a diffuser to help promote a positive mood.    

Add a drop or two of lemon oil to your water for a refreshing treat.  Using this oil internally, naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.    

Below are a list of ways that I like to use lemon essential oil around my home.  I promise, if you try one of these all natural tips, in your home, you will be hooked.   

  • One to three drops removes sticky grease stains.
  • Freshen your laundry by adding one drop to the final rinse cycle. 
  • Mix with water for a natural cleaning spray.
  • Sooth a sore throat by adding a drop or two to a cup of warm tea.
  • Brighten your...
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Essential Oil Organization

So… I figured what better way to follow up our Essential Oil Resolutions…than with some super easy Essential Oil Organization Tips!!  

Now that your supply of essential oils is growing, you need some practical ways to organize them.  If your oils are organized and accessible you will be so much more likely of using them daily.

I love to put labels on my lids!  I am a huge a fan of paper products, so I love a good sticker!  Other than giving your oil bottles some extra flair, lid stickers help you avoid picking up the wrong oil.  You can get lid stickers directly from doTERRA, Amazon, Etsy, or from various bottle suppliers.  Look around and find the ones that you like best.

You will want to store your oils out in the open, where you’re most likely to use them.  I have mine organized in an antique spice rack in my kitchen, on a shelf in my bedroom, and I store my extra oils in an oil box.  There are tons of ideas out there,...

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Valentine's Blends

Oh my goodness!!  Did Valentine’s sneak up on y’all like it did me??  I can’t believe it is just around the corner…..wasn’t Christmas like yesterday?  

I love valentines, but then again, I love any excuse to spoil my loved ones and that includes y’all!!!  

With the feeling of love in the air, I want to give y’all the gift of TEN diffuser blends in honor of Saint Valentine’s and and season of love!!  

Valentine’s Day

  • 1 drop Tangerine 
  • 1 drop Sandlewood oil
  • 2 drops Elevation oil

I You

  • 1 drop Cheer oil
  • 2 drops Lemon oil
  • 2 drops Citrus Bliss oil

You’re Cute

  • 2 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 2 drops Clary Sage oil
  • 1 drop Wild Orange oil


  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 1 drop Sandlewood oil
  • 1 drop Cedarwood oil

Be Mine

  • 2 drops Hawaiian Sandlewood oil
  • 2 drops Passion oil

Love is in the Air

  • 2 drops Motivate oil
  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 1 drop Lemon oil 

Cupid Shuffle

  • 3...
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Resolution 5: Replace Medicine Cabinet Items with Oils

Alright you guys…it’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 5, our final week!! Still hanging in there with me?  Are you starting to see all the amazing benefits and how these 5 Essential Oils Resolutions help you maximize those benefits? 

Our final resolution is…drum roll… 


So many essential oils support healthy immune function and contain cleansing properties.  The health support benefit of essential oils are one of the main benefits of their use.  

With a big family, I turn to my oils when sickness or injuries occur.  Below are some recipes I use in my home. 

Cough Syrup:

  • 8 tbsp of Honey
  • 8 drops Lemon oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense oil
  • 8 drops Wild Orange oil

First Aid Spray:

  • 3 drops Helichrysum oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Melaleuca oil
  • 3 drops Basil oil

Sunburn Relief Lotion:

  • 4 oz Fractionated Coconut oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil
  • 6 drops...
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Resolution 4: Replace Household Products with Oils

It’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 4!!!  How are you doing?  Starting to get in a grove?  I know I am!!  Using at least one oil a day???  Night counts…but day and night is even better!! 

So I am super excited about our 4th resolution… 


This is a great way to use essential oils every day without having to think about it. 

Below is a list of ways that I have replaced my old products with all natural products containing essential oils. 

In the shower:  I use doTERRA’s shampoo and conditioner which offer an invigorating complex of essential oils but you can make your own at home.  Just add a couple drops to a shampoo you already have.  Super easy right!

Cleaning supplies: Many of us use homemade natural cleaners.  Why not add a few drops of essential oils to those as well.  

Multi Purpose Cleaner Recipe:In a glass spray bottle combine,

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