Product Spotlight: Lemon

I want to give a huge shout out to one of my FAVORITE essential oils….lemon!  I love lemon! I love the smell! I love the taste and I LOVE what lemon does for the body.

Lemon oil is one of the most versatile of all the essential oils.  It cleanses and purifies the surfaces and the air.  Add a couple drops to a diffuser to help promote a positive mood.    

Add a drop or two of lemon oil to your water for a refreshing treat.  Using this oil internally, naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.    

Below are a list of ways that I like to use lemon essential oil around my home.  I promise, if you try one of these all natural tips, in your home, you will be hooked.   

  • One to three drops removes sticky grease stains.
  • Freshen your laundry by adding one drop to the final rinse cycle. 
  • Mix with water for a natural cleaning spray.
  • Sooth a sore throat by adding a drop or two to a cup of warm tea.
  • Brighten your complexion by adding a drop to your moisturizer.
  • Add a few drops to a cotton ball to help eliminate odors in your refrigerator. 
  • Heal itchy bug bites with a drop or two directly on the skin and then rub in.
  • Sanitize your tooth brush by adding a drop and rinsing off. 
  • Apply to cuticles to soften them and strengthen your nails. 
  • Use a few drops as hand sanitizer.
  • Soak a rag in water with a couple drops of lemon oil and use it to polish jewelry or silver.   

How do you use this amazing essential oil?  I would love to hear in the comments below.




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