Keeping Your Mask Clean

Hey ya’ll!!  I recently did a social media post on “How to Keep Your Face Mask Clean” and I thought “what a great blog post”!!  

We’re all wearing them so we might as well talk about them and maybe with a little essential oil magic, we can make it a little more bearable.  Retailers around the world have taken the first step by designing cute and fashionable masks.  Now lets up our mask game by adding essential oils to help boost immune support and smell great! 

Keeping your mask clean will not only sanitize your mask, but also help you breath better, promote calm feelings, and smell amazing!  

I know having to wear a mask can make me feel anxious and sometime down right claustrophobic.  So I added some calming oils to my mask spray.  This helps me feel relaxed and centered.

Don’t like smelling your own breath all the time?  I know I don’t.  Essential oils in your mask spray will leave everything smelling nice and fresh!!

There are many oils you can choose to use but some of my favorites are…

  • Wild Orange oil, smells fantastic, can calm emotions, and it's energizing.
  • Breathe oil, opens up airways and is very calming, especially if mask wearing makes you anxious.  
  • Eucalyptus oil, opens up your lungs, airways, and mind.    
  • Lavender oil, is very calming, soothing, and smells great.
  • Lemon oil, has a bright clean scent that is great for your immune system. 
  • On Guard oil, is my go to oil for immune system support.

In a glass spray bottle combine warm water and a couple drops of the oils of your choice.  It’s as easy as that!!  Spray on your mask as you're heading out the door for immune support and a fragrance.

Have you tried and essential oil mask spray?  I would love to hear about your experience below.  

Blessings!! XOXO—Alisha


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