
Resolution 1: Use Essential Oils Daily

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I am so excited about the coming new year and all the adventure it brings….maybe a couple less than last year.  LOL!!

Today, we are going to dive in-depth into our 1st Essential Oil Resolution.


Now I bet you're thinking…”I already do that.”  Think back over the past year.  How many times have you thought?  “I’ll start my diffuser later.”  Or “tomorrow I’ll start using that roller.”   Or you forget to rub oils on your kiddos before bed?

It happens…I do it too and I’m the “Crazy Oil Lady”!! 

Now do you see why we need this resolution?  Below are some tips. 

Start your day using your oils.  Start your diffusers in the morning with a motivational or a wake up blend.  Use an On Guard roller, on your kids, before they head off to school.  You’ll start their day...

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Essential Oil Resolutions

Hey Y’all!!  I can’t believe the New Year is only a day away.  I have started thinking about my resolutions, plans, and goals for the upcoming year.  Some of my resolutions are family focused, some are bible based, Diamond Oils business related, and some are Essential Oil education focused.  

This post and ALL of my January 2021 posts are going to center around Essential Oil Education and how to incorporate them into your life, home, and health.  

Most of us know how powerful and amazing essential oils are but do we use them as we should?  What could they replace in your home?  Are you getting the full benefit or are they just sitting in a box or on a shelf? 

This year we are going to change the way we use essential oils and receive the powerful benefits of these amazing little drops!  

Here is my list of 5 Essential Oil Resolutions.  Each week, we will dive in-depth into the individual resolution and how to incorporate...

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Switching to Safer

I think it's a given that we, especially as women and mothers, are always trying to do our best to take care of those we love. 

We try to make better choices on the foods we eat. We try to make sure that everyone is drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. So it can be super frustrating to find out that some of our well thought out choices are actually no better than the junk we're trying to avoid. 

So how do we even begin to make the switch to safer if we aren't even sure what safer actually is??

I totally get your frustration and I'm hoping I can help just a little! 

My number one suggestion is to ditch the "fragrance". No, I'm not just talking about the perfume and body spray, but rather anything with the word "fragrance" listed as an ingredient. 

Did you know that the word "fragrance" is considered a trade secret meaning companies don't actually have to disclose the ingredients they are using to create said fragrance. 

Cool, huh? 

So what...

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