Essential Oil Resolutions

Hey Y’all!!  I can’t believe the New Year is only a day away.  I have started thinking about my resolutions, plans, and goals for the upcoming year.  Some of my resolutions are family focused, some are bible based, Diamond Oils business related, and some are Essential Oil education focused.  

This post and ALL of my January 2021 posts are going to center around Essential Oil Education and how to incorporate them into your life, home, and health.  

Most of us know how powerful and amazing essential oils are but do we use them as we should?  What could they replace in your home?  Are you getting the full benefit or are they just sitting in a box or on a shelf? 

This year we are going to change the way we use essential oils and receive the powerful benefits of these amazing little drops!  

Here is my list of 5 Essential Oil Resolutions.  Each week, we will dive in-depth into the individual resolution and how to incorporate it into your life.  Get excited!!  We’re going to change things one drop at a time!!

  1. Use at least one Essential Oil every day! 
  2. Try a new Essential Oil every month!
  3. Establish a bedtime routine using your Essential Oils.
  4. Replace household products with Essential Oils.
  5. Replace items in your medicine cabinet with Essential Oils.

As you can see we’ve got a lot to cover in the coming weeks!  Can’t wait!!  

Of course, I couldn’t leave you without a little gift to show my love for y’all!!   

New Year Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Ginger oil
  • 3 drops Lemon oil
  • 3 drops Lime Oil

Hope you enjoy this differ blend and that it adds a little sparkle to your home!!




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