
Spotlight: Pink Pepper Essential Oil

Too much bustling and busy-ness makes it hard to keep ourselves in focus—but life is just chaotic sometimes, even when we don’t want it to be! One way to get a moment’s reprieve from the wilder parts of daily life is to take a break with the unique aromatics of essential oils. A favorite essential oil aroma of ours for those hectic days…Pink Pepper.  

The ancient Incans considered the Pink Pepper tree and its small pink fruits sacred, and often lined the perimeters of their temples and palaces with them. Today, you can line the perimeter of your home and body with Pink Pepper’s incredible essential offering in the form of pure essential oil. It has a sharp, spicy aroma with a note of fruity freshness that arrests the senses. It’s no wonder the Incans loved this beautiful spice.

Tame the frantic and frenzy with some of our suggestions for ways to make Pink Pepper your new best ally when needing to refocus your trajectory and stay on...

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MetaPWR Bundle Post #2

Hey guys I wanna talk about the MetaPWR bundle again……..Sorry it’s so long, but it is very all important information. If you have any other questions after this please let me know!  

If you want help with blood sugar, weight loss, pain, brain fog , mood, sleep, energy…. These products can help tremendously with all of these things, but the main thing is understanding how they all work together. 

Let me explain…

  1. The MetaPWR 15 ml oil:

Consists of 5 essential oils proven to shrink fat cells, manage hunger cravings, help balance blood sugar, increase energy, help decrease inflammation and decrease oxidative stress damage.  

This blend is in every MetaPWR product. So you’re getting ALL of these benefits every time you use them! You can add a few drops of the oils to your water daily. You can take it in a veggie cap. You can apply it topically to cellulites and problem areas on your body. 

  1. MetaPWR soft gels:

This is just the...

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Fall Diffuser Blends

It’s fall ya’ll!  I don’t know about you but this is my favorite season of the year! All the smells and colors and cool breezes. Perfect time to open the windows, diffuse those blends and get lost in all the smells!

What are your favorite fall diffuser blends? I know you have a list!  Here are just a “few” of mine…

Warm & Woodsy

  •  5 drops Frankincense
  •  2 drops Sandalwood
  •  2 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Wild Orange

Fall Morning

  •  6 drops Wild Orange
  •  2 drops Ginger
  •  2 drops Clove
  •  2 drops Nutmeg


  •  3 drops Cedarwood
  •  2 drops Cinnamon
  •  2 drops Sandalwood

Pumpkin Spice

  •  5 drops Cinnamon
  •  3 drops Nutmeg
  •  3 drops Ginger
  •  2 drops Clove

Sweater Weather

  •  5 drops Wild Orange
  •  4 drops Frankincense
  •  1 drop Ginger

Crisp Leaves

  •  3 drops Eucalyptus
  •  2 drops Lemon
  •  2 drops Peppermint
  •  1 drop Lavender

Apple Cider

  •  3 drops...
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Back to School: Ways to Use Essential Oils

Kids face a lot of challenges as they go back to school! Even if they’re excited about going back, the changes can be stressful and trigger some strong emotions. 

Younger children might struggle with separation anxiety and need support adjusting to a new place with new people.  Even older kids go through stress as they go back to school. It might mean a different schedule, changing bedtimes, being surrounded by new people and new germs!

5 Ways to use essential oils for back to school

  1. Attention and Focus

An essential oil back to school blend for mental focus can help kids in the classroom and during homework or study sessions.  We all need a little help focusing sometimes!

  1. Sleep Well

When kids get enough sleep, they’re more than likely to stay mentally and emotionally centered. It also helps them perform at their best in the classroom (and any sports or after school activities they may take part in)

  1. Soothe Emotions

Going back to school can bring up...

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Essential Oils & Summertime

The summer months are the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends. We know that many of you will be hitting pool, enjoying the barbecues in the back yard, hiking, or taking your yearly vacation to the beach. I want to ensure that you and your family stay safe this summer and use your essential oils in the most effective and safest ways possible. 

If you regularly use essential oils and spend time in the sunshine you run the risk of irritating or even burning your skin!! 

Some essential oils are photosensitive. Photosensitive is a condition in which the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight or other forms of ultraviolet light and may burn easily. Photosensitivity usually causes a rash or sunburn, especially on areas of the skin that are exposed to ultraviolet light.

The majority of photosensitive essential oils come from citrus fruits, making them easy to remember. However, there are other oils that can be photo-toxic. Paying close attention to...

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Essential Oils and Gardening

If you are already an essential oil user and a gardener, then this blog is for you! Let’s talk about the best essential oils for gardening!

If you are like me you are always trying to keep all chemicals away from your home and family.  I try my best to do all organic gardening and not use any chemicals on my plants and flowers. 

Here are just a few essential oils and their benefits for the plants in your garden….

Rosemary Essential Oil

This oil has a wonderful woodsy scent and works well to help repel many pests in the garden. Place a few drops right on the flower pot to keep the bugs from chewing up the leaves of your plants. Rosemary oil is also a butterfly attractor, they love it.

Peppermint Essential Oil

This oil has a sweeter scent and repeals several garden pests like aphids, flies, beetles, and even spiders! Any way to get rid of those creepy crawlers is good with me. You can place a drop of peppermint oil around baseboards and in cabinets in your...

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Spotlight: Spearmint Essential Oil

Commonly known for its flavor, spearmint is a perennial plant that offers a sweet, minty taste and aroma. Spearmint essential oil also promotes fresh breath and is used frequently in cooking and baking to create salad dressings, drinks, desserts, and meat marinades. Aromatically, the cleansing and energizing aroma of Spearmint essential oil encourages a sense of focus while simultaneously uplifting mood. Spearmint oil can also promote digestion and help to reduce occasional stomach upset. Spearmint is very different from Peppermint, making it a milder option to use on children and those with sensitive skin.

Spearmint Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. One of the strongest benefits of Spearmint essential Oil is that it promotes digestion and helps reduce occasional stomach upset. When experiencing periodic stomach discomfort or after eating a large meal, dilute one drop of Spearmint essential oil in 4 fl. oz of liquid and drink. This essential oil can also be taken internally by...
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Non-Toxic Cleaning

As compared to the average American cleaning cupboard, mine is rather unique. I stopped purchasing conventional cleaning products years ago, due to all the hazardous chemicals they contain and have been using homemade essential oil cleaning recipes ever since. Best thing I have ever done for my home and family.

Not only does adding essential oils to DIY cleaning mixes totally boost cleaning power, but it will make your home smell amazing— no artificial fragrances required. And who doesn’t want an amazing smelling house?

I get asked all the time which DIY cleaners are my favorite, so I finally decided to put them all in one place for y’all. Let me know if you have any you think I should add to my list. 

All-Purpose Cleaner with Lemon

  •  2 cups white vinegar
  •  2 cups water
  •  1 teaspoon natural dish soap (NOT castile soap)
  •  30 drops lemon essential oil
  •  20 drops tea tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients in a...

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DIY Hair Growth Oil

The fight for long, luscious, thick hair has been going on for centuries. There have been thousands of tonics, brews, chemical concoctions, or even “old wife’s tales” to “help” promote natural hair growth. A natural hair growth oil recipe is not new, but our understanding of why certain ingredients are chosen has increased greatly.

We now use this knowledge to come up with a natural hair growth oil recipe……

There are a lot of reasons why you may be looking for a natural hair growth oil:

  1. We may style and color our hair until it is broken, thin, and basically a damaged mess.
  2. Others may have a health issue that has caused their hair to thin or has caused significant hair loss, this includes medications that cause hair thinning or hair loss.
  3. Still others may have poor eating habits. If you are not healthy in body, you will not have healthy, beautiful hair.
  4. Lastly, we cannot forget that genetics play a huge role! If your mom has thin hair,...
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Spring Diffuser Blends

Spring! Who doesn’t love spring? Everything is popping up from their winter nap, the bees are buzzing and the birds are chirping!

Try one of these blends to bring some sunshine into your house while you have the windows open and are doing some spring cleaning! Here are just a few of my favorites!!


  •  4 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Frankincense
  •  2 drops Geranium

Fresh Air

  •  4 drops Lemon
  •  4 drops Lavender
  •  3 drops Peppermint

Happy Sun

  •  5 drops Lime
  •  4 drops Orange
  •  2 drops Lemongrass

Spring Fling

  •  1 drop Lemon
  •  1 drop Wild Orange
  •  2 drops Grapefruit

Spring Blossoms

  •  3 drop Wild Orange
  •  2 drops Ginger
  •  2 drops Ylang Ylang

Breath of Fresh Air

  •  2 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Peppermint
  •  2 drops Lemon

Fresh New Start 

  •  3 drops doTerra Balance
  •  3 drops Purify
  •  3 drops Lime

Fresh Perspective

  •  3 drops Cedarwood
  •  3 drops Tangerine
  •  2 drops...
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