MetaPWR Bundle Post #2

Hey guys I wanna talk about the MetaPWR bundle again……..Sorry it’s so long, but it is very all important information. If you have any other questions after this please let me know!  

If you want help with blood sugar, weight loss, pain, brain fog , mood, sleep, energy…. These products can help tremendously with all of these things, but the main thing is understanding how they all work together. 

Let me explain…

  1. The MetaPWR 15 ml oil:

Consists of 5 essential oils proven to shrink fat cells, manage hunger cravings, help balance blood sugar, increase energy, help decrease inflammation and decrease oxidative stress damage.  

This blend is in every MetaPWR product. So you’re getting ALL of these benefits every time you use them! You can add a few drops of the oils to your water daily. You can take it in a veggie cap. You can apply it topically to cellulites and problem areas on your body. 

  1. MetaPWR soft gels:

This is just the oil in a convenient, soft gel form. Easy to carry with you and take on the go. Some of you will prefer this form of the oil. You may not like the taste of the oil or might prefer the convenience of just throwing the soft gels in with your other supplements for the day.

  1.   MetaPWR Assist:

This is the blood sugar balance/carb blocking supplement. Again, it has the MetaPWR oil in it along with other active ingredients. If you have diabetes/blood sugar issues, this supplement will serve you well. What if you don’t have blood sugar issues? We all can benefit from it because blood sugar spikes are not good for anyone. And this supplement also blocks/slows carb absorption, curbs appetite and will help you release weight as well! 


MetaPWR Metabolic Assist supports a healthy lifestyle regimen focused on increased energy and vitality, metabolic health and weight management.

  1. MetaPwr Advantage Collagen:

Who wants to slow down the aging process? Who wants glowing, FIRM skin? Let’s be honest… This is not your  typical collagen.  It has 9 different types. It will support healthy lean muscle, circulation, improved cognitive function… in short you will feel better, have more energy, less pain and firm skin.  Did I mention mood and sleep should be better too? And the collagen also has the MetaPWR oil so again, reinforcing all of those benefits.   

  1. MetaPWR Bead-lets:

These are tiny little orbs of MetaPWR, about a third of a drop. You will carry this in your purse and pop one or two when those late afternoon cravings start creeping in. You will keep these in your “secret” chocolate drawer in your house to help you resist!  You may not use these daily, just when you need a little extra help when that cookie or sweet is eyeballing you and you need to say NO.

  1. MetaPWR Gum:

Just like the bead-lets, the gum is meant to fill in any weak areas in your food cravings game. Keep it in your car, purse, or anywhere you may need an intervention to keep you on track.  Hopefully you won’t need to use the gum daily.

Let me know how you are using the amazing new system.  Have you seen results??  I would love to hear all about it in the comments below. 




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