Essential Oils & Summertime

The summer months are the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends. We know that many of you will be hitting pool, enjoying the barbecues in the back yard, hiking, or taking your yearly vacation to the beach. I want to ensure that you and your family stay safe this summer and use your essential oils in the most effective and safest ways possible. 

If you regularly use essential oils and spend time in the sunshine you run the risk of irritating or even burning your skin!! 

Some essential oils are photosensitive. Photosensitive is a condition in which the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight or other forms of ultraviolet light and may burn easily. Photosensitivity usually causes a rash or sunburn, especially on areas of the skin that are exposed to ultraviolet light.

The majority of photosensitive essential oils come from citrus fruits, making them easy to remember. However, there are other oils that can be photo-toxic. Paying close attention to labels is the best way to protect yourself from the sun when using essential oils. 

Below is a list of all doTERRA’s photosensitive oils: 

  •  Aroma Touch
  •  Bergamont
  •  Breathe
  •  Cheer
  •  Citrus Bliss
  •  Cumin
  •  Elevation
  •  Forgive
  •  Grapefruit
  •  InTune
  •  Kumquat
  •  Lemon
  •  Lime
  •  Motivate
  •  On Guard
  •  Slim & Sassy
  •  Sunny Citrus
  •  Tangerine
  •  Wild Orange
  •  Zendocrine

General Oil Safety:

  1. Always check the label. Each essential oil has specific directions for use. Look at the labels and follow direction closely, especially if you are trying oils for the first time. 
  2. Many oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil. 
  3. When applying to your face, avoid contact with your eyes, nose, or ears. 
  4. Store oils safely. Keep your oils in a safe place out of the reach of children.

Outdoor Essential Oil Safety:
The sun is inviting and it’s often a boost to go outside and get that natural vitamin D. However, be aware that some of your family’s favorite citrus oils should be avoided topically before direct sunlight or exposure to artificial UV rays.

Here is a list of a the popular essential oils that are considered sun-safe:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree

After a day of fun in the sun try this soothing after sun spray.  It will leave your skin feeling instantly refreshed. 

Soothing After Sun Spray

  •  1 cup distilled water
  •  ¾ cup aloe vera gel
  •  1 tbsp fractionated coconut oil
  •  10-15 drops lavender essential oil
  •  10-15 drops peppermint essential oil
  •  16 oz glass spray bottle

Combine all ingredients in the spray bottle. Swirl to mix. Store in refrigerator when not in use. 

Enjoy the sun and be safe this summer!


XOXO- Alisha


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