
Powdered Cleanser Recipe

Hey Y’all!!!  This past weekend I was prepping for some cleaning and decided I wanted to try out a new type of cleaner….a Powder Cleanser.  Deep cleaning doesn't have to mean hours of scrubbing on your hands and knees. 

This powdered cleanser makes it easy to clean even the grimiest of surfaces with little to no work. Just sprinkle on the surface, walk away for 15–30 minutes, and then wipe clean.


  • 2 cups borax
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup kosher salt
  • 20 drops Lemon essential oil

 Remember, although borax is natural, it can be toxic when ingested and should be kept away from children and pets. If you are concerned about using borax, you can omit it.


  1.  Combine all ingredients into a large bowl and stir until combined.
  2.  Store in a large shaker bottle.
  3.  To use, dampen surface and sprinkle powder over area you want to clean.Let sit for 15–30 minutes. For an extra...
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Keeping Your Mask Clean

Hey ya’ll!!  I recently did a social media post on “How to Keep Your Face Mask Clean” and I thought “what a great blog post”!!  

We’re all wearing them so we might as well talk about them and maybe with a little essential oil magic, we can make it a little more bearable.  Retailers around the world have taken the first step by designing cute and fashionable masks.  Now lets up our mask game by adding essential oils to help boost immune support and smell great! 

Keeping your mask clean will not only sanitize your mask, but also help you breath better, promote calm feelings, and smell amazing!  

I know having to wear a mask can make me feel anxious and sometime down right claustrophobic.  So I added some calming oils to my mask spray.  This helps me feel relaxed and centered.

Don’t like smelling your own breath all the time?  I know I don’t.  Essential oils in your mask spray will leave...

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Resolution 1: Use Essential Oils Daily

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I am so excited about the coming new year and all the adventure it brings….maybe a couple less than last year.  LOL!!

Today, we are going to dive in-depth into our 1st Essential Oil Resolution.


Now I bet you're thinking…”I already do that.”  Think back over the past year.  How many times have you thought?  “I’ll start my diffuser later.”  Or “tomorrow I’ll start using that roller.”   Or you forget to rub oils on your kiddos before bed?

It happens…I do it too and I’m the “Crazy Oil Lady”!! 

Now do you see why we need this resolution?  Below are some tips. 

Start your day using your oils.  Start your diffusers in the morning with a motivational or a wake up blend.  Use an On Guard roller, on your kids, before they head off to school.  You’ll start their day...

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Holiday DIY Gifts

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I’m one of those holiday gift planners; I plan each gift out, keep everything organized with an app on my phone, and I try to stay on budget.  Try!!!  LOL!!  This year since I’m home more and trying to spread extra joy and cheer, I have decided to make my close friends and family essential oil pampering products.  I love DIY gifts!  I get to be creative and get to customize them for the receiver.   

This year I am going with a peppermint theme.  Peppermint Essential Oil has so many amazing benefits.  This oil promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing, digestive health when taken internally, and repels bugs naturally. 

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub


  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut oil 
  • 12 drops Peppermint oil 
  • Skin safe food coloring


  1. Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut...
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Detoxification also known as detoxing or cleansing is the term used to describe the deliberate use of programs, products, dietary, and lifestyle changes to support the body in the elimination of unwanted substances and circumstances. 

Releasing toxins allows your heart, body, and mind to dedicate greater amounts of energy to thriving rather than just coping and merely surviving. 

Listen y'all, we live, eat, and breathe toxic substances every single day. Just think about it, the pain on the walls, the carpet, the laundry and cleaning products we use, the pesticides, extermination products, preservative and the chemicals in foods, the "stuff" that goes in and out of cars; personal care products and makeup also contribute to higher toxicity levels in the body. 

Toxicity must be dealt with even when trying to limit exposure to toxins, since contact with chemicals and other toxic agents occur everyday by eating, breathing, living, and sleeping.

Cool, huh?

When our bodies...

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