
Detoxification also known as detoxing or cleansing is the term used to describe the deliberate use of programs, products, dietary, and lifestyle changes to support the body in the elimination of unwanted substances and circumstances. 

Releasing toxins allows your heart, body, and mind to dedicate greater amounts of energy to thriving rather than just coping and merely surviving. 

Listen y'all, we live, eat, and breathe toxic substances every single day. Just think about it, the pain on the walls, the carpet, the laundry and cleaning products we use, the pesticides, extermination products, preservative and the chemicals in foods, the "stuff" that goes in and out of cars; personal care products and makeup also contribute to higher toxicity levels in the body. 

Toxicity must be dealt with even when trying to limit exposure to toxins, since contact with chemicals and other toxic agents occur everyday by eating, breathing, living, and sleeping.

Cool, huh?

When our bodies get overwhelmed with toxins, it cannot properly perform its many functions with full efficiency. Metabolism, immunity, elimination of waste, absorption of nutrients, production of important brain chemicals, reproduction, circulation, respiration etc. are all affected. 

Even hydration can be compromised. 

So how do you know if you have a toxic overload? Toxic overload may reveal itself as fevers, headaches, acne, fatigue or lack of energy, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, allergies, excess weight, cellulite, brain fog or lack of mental clarity, decreased immunity, chronic pain, poor moods, and much more. 

Sometimes these symptoms are interpreted as sickness, when in reality the body may be trying to eliminate toxins through different systems- and the symptoms are mere side effects. Avoiding toxins and detoxifying are necessary to be healthy, happy, and free of disease. 

Essential oils have unique properties that support health on a cellular level including detoxing. when the body is overwhelmed by excess toxins, the liver will safeguard vital organs by insulating toxins in fat cells; there are oils that help release toxins from fat cells, break them down, and flush them out of the body with good hydration. Other oils can stimulate cell receptor sites to greater, more efficient activity. And there are oils that are helpful in clearing the gut of harmful bacteria and restoring balance for healthy digestion and immunity. Consider what actions can reduce the intake of toxins, and how to consistently detox to maintain optimal health.

 Top Solutions

  1. Single Oils
    • Grapefruit- antioxidant; superb detoxifier of fat, liver, gallbladder
    • Lemon- antioxidant; superb detoxifier of fat, chemicals, urinary, liver, lymph
    • Lemongrass- powerhouse decongestant for any system of the body
    • Clove- powerful, antioxidant, blood and cellular cleanser. 
  2. Blends
    • Detoxification blend- detox liver, gallbladder, gut, kidneys, lungs, skin
    • Cleansing blend- detox lymph, blood, kidneys, skin
    • Cellular complex blend- detox lymph, cells, gut, brain
    • Metabolic blend- detox fat, liver, gallbladder

Still need some help choosing the best detox or cleanse? Or do you have a favorite of your own? Let's chat! 





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