
doTERRA's Holiday Guide

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I am so excited about this years doTERRA Holiday Guide.  There are so many new and useful items that are perfect for holiday giving. 

Celebrate the season with family, friends, and the blissful aroma of Holiday Peace essential oil blend. Enjoy the bright, soothing blend of CPTG® Siberian Fir, Douglas Fir, Himalayan Fir, Grapefruit, Frankincense, and Vetiver essential oils throughout your home.  

Holiday Joy essential oil blend makes every house feel like home. The warm, citrusy, spicy aroma of Holiday Joy creates a welcoming environment for holiday gatherings as it freshens the air and warms the spirit. This updated proprietary blend of CPTG® Wild Orange, Clove, Cassia, Siberian Fir, Frankincense, Benzoin, Ginger, Peru Balsam, and Cistus will certainly continue to be a doTERRA holiday tradition.

The Acacia Storage Case is crafted with strong and distinctive Acacia wood, this...

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Keeping Your Mask Clean

Hey ya’ll!!  I recently did a social media post on “How to Keep Your Face Mask Clean” and I thought “what a great blog post”!!  

We’re all wearing them so we might as well talk about them and maybe with a little essential oil magic, we can make it a little more bearable.  Retailers around the world have taken the first step by designing cute and fashionable masks.  Now lets up our mask game by adding essential oils to help boost immune support and smell great! 

Keeping your mask clean will not only sanitize your mask, but also help you breath better, promote calm feelings, and smell amazing!  

I know having to wear a mask can make me feel anxious and sometime down right claustrophobic.  So I added some calming oils to my mask spray.  This helps me feel relaxed and centered.

Don’t like smelling your own breath all the time?  I know I don’t.  Essential oils in your mask spray will leave...

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Holiday DIY Gifts

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I’m one of those holiday gift planners; I plan each gift out, keep everything organized with an app on my phone, and I try to stay on budget.  Try!!!  LOL!!  This year since I’m home more and trying to spread extra joy and cheer, I have decided to make my close friends and family essential oil pampering products.  I love DIY gifts!  I get to be creative and get to customize them for the receiver.   

This year I am going with a peppermint theme.  Peppermint Essential Oil has so many amazing benefits.  This oil promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing, digestive health when taken internally, and repels bugs naturally. 

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub


  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut oil 
  • 12 drops Peppermint oil 
  • Skin safe food coloring


  1. Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut...
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Switching to Safer

I think it's a given that we, especially as women and mothers, are always trying to do our best to take care of those we love. 

We try to make better choices on the foods we eat. We try to make sure that everyone is drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. So it can be super frustrating to find out that some of our well thought out choices are actually no better than the junk we're trying to avoid. 

So how do we even begin to make the switch to safer if we aren't even sure what safer actually is??

I totally get your frustration and I'm hoping I can help just a little! 

My number one suggestion is to ditch the "fragrance". No, I'm not just talking about the perfume and body spray, but rather anything with the word "fragrance" listed as an ingredient. 

Did you know that the word "fragrance" is considered a trade secret meaning companies don't actually have to disclose the ingredients they are using to create said fragrance. 

Cool, huh? 

So what...

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