
MetaPWR Bundle Post #3

The MetaPWR System helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level. Designed to be used as a system, each product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other products in the line. The whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts with the MetaPWR system. Of course, there are no quick-fixes to optimal metabolic function—you still have to make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions—but the MetaPWR system can maximize and optimize the effects of your wellness lifestyle choices so that your healthy choices count a little extra.

You might be wondering, “What does MetaPWR even mean?” eta comes from the word metabolic, because the MetaPWR system is designed to support metabolic health.  Meta can also mean “comprehensive” or “transcendent.” Power (spelled as P-W-R) an—of course—mean “power” as it’s pronounced,...

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Product Spotlight: MetaPWR

Have you heard? doTERRA’s newest product is HERE!!! MetaPWR!!

The MetaPWR system helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level.  As you age, so does your metabolic function. Your metabolism influences your energy, weight, body composition, and even your cognitive performance. 

 MetaPWR Advantage was developed with doTERRA researchers to help maintain healthy cell and organ function, to keep you mentally energized, and to promote healthy weight and body composition. Combined with healthy lifestyle choices, taking MetaPWR Advantage once a day can help fortify your metabolic health.

MetaPWR Advantage also contains nine types of collagen tripeptides from marine sources, which may improve skin elasticity, density, and firmness and support lean muscle and connective tissue.

Designed to be used in a system, each MetaPWR product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other...

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Spotlight: Adaptiv Blend Essential Oil

When the daily stresses of life have you feeling nervous, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed, you know that you need to adapt to your environment to find balance and peace again. But adapting is easier said than done, and ADAPTIV Calming blend can help make the process a little bit easier!

 ADAPTIV is designed to help you adjust to the daily challenges of life. It is specifically formulated to help soothe, uplift, calm, relax, and boost your mood. Use ADAPTIV to help take yourself from a restless, indecisive, or overwhelming environment to one of calm, harmony, and control. 

What Does ADAPTIV Mean? 

ADAPTIV is derived from the word “adapt,” because that is exactly what this product is designed to help you do. Feel empowered with a natural solution that helps you feel in control of your environment. 

The ADAPTIV blend contains Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Wild Orange, Spearmint, Sweetgum, Rosemary, and Copaiba essential oils. 

Lavender is queen...

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Winter's Coming!!!

Oh my goodness!!  Did anyone take a step outside this morning and freeze?  It’s cold!!  

The temperature change shocked me and reminded me that Old Man Winter is on the way.  I try to always be a “glass half full” type of person so I’ll tell you first what I LOVE about Winter…fires, warm drinks, comfy blankets, Christmas, and the occasional snow.  Now I’ll be honest……Winter can also be a hard season. The Winter time brings some of the darkest and coldest days of the year.  Add in Covid and this Winter will no doubt be hard.  

So to bring some soothing comfort and warmth into your home, I’m going to give you TEN… Yes, you read that right, TEN amazing diffuser blends to help you chase away the Winter blues.  

Positive Energy Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil
  • 1 drop Tangerine oil

Warm & Cosy Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange...
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Self Care is the New Black

Even though it’s been a few weeks, wait no, months, heck, I honestly don’t even know anymore, but my point is this: it’s been awhile since we’ve had any sense of ‘normal’ but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in a little at home self care. In fact, I totally recommend it. 

I mean, nothing at home is EVER going to compare to the nail salon or your favorite hairstylist. Those things will always hold a very special place in our hearts, but in the meantime, this momma can’t live without self care.

No, I mean it, y’all. I would not survive. 

Self care is absolutely essential in my home. And what I love about self care is that there is no right or wrong way to self care. Whether it’s eating a little healthier and drinking more water everyday or it’s that long, hot bubble bath we escape to once a week. Whatever it is, whatever it looks like for you and your family, just do it.

Carve out the time and...

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