Spotlight: Adaptiv Blend Essential Oil

When the daily stresses of life have you feeling nervous, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed, you know that you need to adapt to your environment to find balance and peace again. But adapting is easier said than done, and ADAPTIV Calming blend can help make the process a little bit easier!

 ADAPTIV is designed to help you adjust to the daily challenges of life. It is specifically formulated to help soothe, uplift, calm, relax, and boost your mood. Use ADAPTIV to help take yourself from a restless, indecisive, or overwhelming environment to one of calm, harmony, and control. 

What Does ADAPTIV Mean? 

ADAPTIV is derived from the word “adapt,” because that is exactly what this product is designed to help you do. Feel empowered with a natural solution that helps you feel in control of your environment. 

The ADAPTIV blend contains Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Wild Orange, Spearmint, Sweetgum, Rosemary, and Copaiba essential oils. 

Lavender is queen among essential oils in terms of calm and relaxation. 

Magnolia’s aroma is intoxicatingly sweet and soft. It has the same primary chemical constituent as Lavender—Linalool—which is incredibly soothing. 

From the blossom of the bitter orange tree, Neroli carries a calm, uplifting scent. Wild Orange is known for its uplifting, positive, energizing aroma. 

Invigorating and refreshing, Spearmint is particularly sweet among mint oils and promotes a focused environment. Rosemary’s energizing, herbaceous scent is often used in aromatherapy. Copaiba can help soothe and ease anxious feelings. 

Here are a few great ways to use this amazing oil: 

Diffuse ADAPTIV to soften stressful or tense environments. 

In the evening, massage ADAPTIV into your feet or shoulders with Fractionated Coconut Oil. 

Add a few drops of ADAPTIV to a nighttime bath with Epsom salts. 

Use ADAPTIV as a tranquil, relaxing perfume during the day or at night. Massage a small amount onto your temples to relax you into a peaceful sleep before you go to bed. 

Apply to diffuser jewelry to keep the scent with you through the day. 

You can also try these adaptive blends:

Self Love

  • 3 drops Adaptive essential oil
  • 3 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 1 drop Lime essential oil

Chill Mornings        

  • 3 drops Adaptiv
  • 2 drops Siberian fir essential oil 
  • 2 drops Copaiba essential oil 

Calm Evenings

  • 3 drops Adaptive essential oil
  • 3 drops Serenity essential oil
  • 1 drop Vetiver essential oil 

Have you tried this calming blend?  I would love to hear in the comments below.




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