
Thanksgiving Recipes

Its Thanksgiving!!! Time to get my apron out and get to cooking!!!

I like to try to incorporate essential oils into my recipes whenever possible and slipping them into to my family Thanksgiving meal always surprises everyone. What are your favorite recipes that use your favorite essential oils?  Here are a few of mine.



4 cooked sweet potatoes, peeled

¾ cup canned coconut milk

1 tablespoon coconut oil

¼ cup pure maple syrup

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ orange, juiced

Salt and pepper to taste

4 drops Cinnamon Bark oil

Pecan topping:

1½ cups chopped pecans

1 tablespoon melted coconut oil

1 tablespoon maple syrup

2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil 


Place cooked sweet potatoes, coconut milk, coconut oil, maple syrup, nutmeg, orange juice, and Cinnamon Bark oil into a large bowl.

With a hand mixer, blend until everything is combined. If desired, you can add more maple syrup or Cinnamon Bark oil.


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Cooking with Essential Oils

Essential oils aren't just for the spa and diffusers anymore! Certain oils can be incredibly useful in the kitchen. This weeks blog includes tips and tricks for cooking with essential oils… 

Essential oils are the concentrated essences of the natural oils found in plants. When processed in a particular way, they are safe to use in cooking, much like you may use vanilla or almond extract.  

Before I go any further, it’s crucial that I mention that not all essential oils are created equally. Many oils sold for aromatherapy or even bath and body use are not suitable to consume. Before you even think of adding a drop to any recipe, be sure that the oils are food safe! 

Essential oils are a super handy substitute if you don’t have certain ingredients on hand. If you see that a recipe calls for lemon zest and you’re fresh out of citrus at home, a few drops of lemon oil can easily take its place. Similarly oregano, thyme, and basil oils can be used...

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New Year & Healthy You!

Hey guys!!  It seems like everyone is talking about protein these days, but it can be daunting and confusing to sort through all the protein powder options on the market and know which source you should trust to fuel your body. doTERRA’s mission to Pursue What’s Pure carries over to all products, including the scientifically studied ingredients sourced to formulate the quality offering of doTERRA Proteins.

Protein is an important macronutrient and crucial for building muscle, managing appetite, and helping the body recover after workouts.  Protein is also necessary to provide the body with energy and stamina to perform functions like building cells and support a healthy immune system response.  Reducing sugar consumption is also an important aspect of improving your diet and overall health. doTERRA Protein is sugar free and a great tool to use in a Keto or other high protein/low carb diets.

At only around 150 calories, doTERRA Protein shakes are ideal for...

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Cake & Pies

As you know I LOVE this time of year.  Spending time with family and friends, catching up and sharing laughs, feels me with such joy!

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I wanted to share a couple amazing recipes with ya’ll……and this weeks focus….CAKE & PIES!!!!  I love pie. I love cake. To be honest I love anything sweet.  These recipes are sure to be a big hit at Thanksgiving this year. 

5 cups apple, sliced
¼ cup sugar
1 pinch nutmeg
½ teaspoon cinnamon
6 drops Lemon Oil
¼ cup flour

3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon vinegar
6–7 tablespoons of cold water


  1.  Mix all pie filling ingredients together. Cook on medium heat until it comes to a boil. Stir constantly so that sugars don't burn. Set aside. 
  2.  For pie crust, place flour, salt, and butter in a medium bowl. Crumb together until little...
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Fall Smoothie's

Hey guys!!!  It just hit me that it has been awhile since we enjoyed a good refreshing smoothie post!!!  I love them! My kiddos love them!  They are so easy to make and super healthy and I’ve got some new Fall recipes for you!  

Take your on-the-go routine to the next level with a little mango. Not only does this smoothie taste amazing, it’s also a great source of fiber!

Mango on the Go Smoothie

½ cup cashew or almond milk

2 scoops doTERRA Fiber

1 cup raspberries, frozen

1 cup mango, frozen

1 drop Lime Essential Oil

With your choice of nut milk, peanut butter, banana, and a bit of Cinnamon Bark oil, you’ll go nuts for the symphony of flavors in this healthy smoothie.  

Go Nuts! Smoothie 

cup almond or cashew milk 

2 scoops doTERRA Fiber

1 teaspoon peanut butter 

1 teaspoon coconut butter 

1 banana, frozen 

1 handful ice cubes 

1 toothpick swirl Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Protein-packed, healthy, and...

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Product Spotlight: Peppermint

In celebration of all things Christmas, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing essential oil of Peppermint.  This oil is used to help promote a healthy respiratory function and alleviate stomach upset, when taken internally.  It repels insects, promotes clear breathing, and smells wonderful.   

Peppermint oil is culinary wonder and can be used to add a fresh boost to meals.  Try it in a smoothie or dessert!  Check out this amazing holiday recipe.   

Peppermint Bark


  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups white chocolate pieces
  • 2-3 mini candy canes
  • 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Bit of coconut oil  


  1. Use a 9 X 13 cookie sheet
  2. Lightly coat cookie sheet in coconut oil 
  3. Put chocolate chips in bowl with 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 
  4. Microwave or double boil the chocolate chips until melted
  5. Poor melted chocolate onto cookie sheet, spread evenly, and put in freezer
  6. While chocolate hardens, crush candy...
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Cookies & Cocoa

Nothing says its Holiday time like cookies and warm cocoa.  I love to gather my kiddos, snuggle together by a warm fire, munch on some homemade cookies and sip some delicious cocoa, while watching our favorite holiday movies.  The kids really enjoy this!  We bake during the day and watch movies in our jammies at night.  It is one of my favorite holiday things to do as a family.   

Since I love you guys and want you to have the best Holiday season, I have gathered my favorite doTERRA recipes below…just for you!!

Hot Cocoa


  • 1 cup water
  • 5 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia or 1 ½ teaspoon powdered stevia (amount of sweetener can be adjusted to taste)
  • 1–2 tablespoons sugar or agave (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 cups almond milk

Recommended Essential Oils: Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Wild Orange, or Peppermint oil


  1. Heat water, cocoa powder, and...
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Thanksgiving & Essential Oils

As you know I LOVE this time of year.  Spending time with family and friends, catching up and sharing laughs, feels me with such joy!

Since Thanksgiving is next week……I can hardly contain my excitement……I’m about to share with ya’ll some amazing recipes that use essential oils in everyone’s familiar Thanksgiving favorites.  

Citrus & Herb Butter


  • 4 drops Wild Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops Lemon essential oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature


  1. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and stir together thoroughly. Set aside.
  2. Use fingers to carefully loosen skin around the entire bird. Take ¼ of the butter mixture and rub it, thoroughly, under skin making sure to coat as much of the turkey as possible. Brush remaining butter mixture...
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Happy Fall Ya'll

Happy Fall Ya’ll!! I have always wanted to say that!!  Hahaha!!  

I love fall & I love everything fall!  The weather getting cooler, leaves changing colors, Fall Festivals, the sights, sounds & smells, and PUMPKIN!! Who doesn’t love pumpkin?  Since we’re right in the middle of fall, I wanted to share some of my favorite comforts of the season.  

First is Pumpkin Butter infused with Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clove essential oils.  All three of these oils have amazing benefits when taken internally and this treat is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.


  • 1 29-ounce can pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • cup coconut sugar (or substitute organic brown sugar)
  • ¼ cup grade-A maple syrup
  • ½ cup unsweetened apple juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 toothpick Ginger Oil 
  • 1 toothpick Cinnamon Bark Oil 
  • 1 toothpick Clove Oil 


  1. Add all ingredients to a...
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Friday Favorite's: Fourth of July Edition

Okay, so who doesn't love a long weekend, am I right?

And I'm so excited that my first "Friday Favorite" series starts on the long July 4th weekend. 

Okay so let's talk about some of my favorite things about the Fourth of July. 

1. This is probably a given, but fireworks! Duh. Aside from the animals hating them I can't help but think they are just gorgeous. There's just something about fireworks, you know? The way they light up the sky. The way that no matter how old you are when you see them you still feel like a child, full of amazement and wonder. 

2. Um, the food. And I mean ALL of the food. I can't even pick a specific favorite because I am pretty sure that nothing beats a proper Fourth of July cookout. I can't even talk about it that much because it makes me so hungry. The burgers, the hotdogs, the fixin's, the sides, the desserts. ALL. OF. IT. Do you have a favorite Fourth of July food or recipe? I'd love to hear it!

3. Spending time with friends...

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