
Thanksgiving Recipes

Its Thanksgiving!!! Time to get my apron out and get to cooking!!!

I like to try to incorporate essential oils into my recipes whenever possible and slipping them into to my family Thanksgiving meal always surprises everyone. What are your favorite recipes that use your favorite essential oils?  Here are a few of mine.



4 cooked sweet potatoes, peeled

¾ cup canned coconut milk

1 tablespoon coconut oil

¼ cup pure maple syrup

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ orange, juiced

Salt and pepper to taste

4 drops Cinnamon Bark oil

Pecan topping:

1½ cups chopped pecans

1 tablespoon melted coconut oil

1 tablespoon maple syrup

2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil 


Place cooked sweet potatoes, coconut milk, coconut oil, maple syrup, nutmeg, orange juice, and Cinnamon Bark oil into a large bowl.

With a hand mixer, blend until everything is combined. If desired, you can add more maple syrup or Cinnamon Bark oil.


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Spotlight: Ginger Essential Oil

Widely known for adding spice and flavor too many popular dishes, the ginger root has a variety of benefits and uses that reach far beyond the culinary realm. Taken from the underground stem of the ginger plant, Ginger essential oil has warming and soothing properties that make it useful in everyday life. Taken internally, doTERRA Ginger oil can be used to ease occasional nausea and aid in digestion. With a spicy, fresh aroma, it works well in a variety of diffuser blends. Ginger oil can also substitute for ginger flavoring in your favorite recipes.

Ginger essential oil is taken from the rhizome, or underground stem, of the ginger plant. A highly aromatic plant, ginger has thick roots, long shoots with leaves, and pale flowers.  For centuries, the ginger root has been used in cooking practices to add flavor, or dried and powdered as a spice.

Ginger Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

  1. Ginger has been an integral ingredient in many recipes, particularly for Asian dishes. When...
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Cooking with Essential Oils

Essential oils aren't just for the spa and diffusers anymore! Certain oils can be incredibly useful in the kitchen. This weeks blog includes tips and tricks for cooking with essential oils… 

Essential oils are the concentrated essences of the natural oils found in plants. When processed in a particular way, they are safe to use in cooking, much like you may use vanilla or almond extract.  

Before I go any further, it’s crucial that I mention that not all essential oils are created equally. Many oils sold for aromatherapy or even bath and body use are not suitable to consume. Before you even think of adding a drop to any recipe, be sure that the oils are food safe! 

Essential oils are a super handy substitute if you don’t have certain ingredients on hand. If you see that a recipe calls for lemon zest and you’re fresh out of citrus at home, a few drops of lemon oil can easily take its place. Similarly oregano, thyme, and basil oils can be used...

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Spotlight: Spearmint Essential Oil

Commonly known for its flavor, spearmint is a perennial plant that offers a sweet, minty taste and aroma. Spearmint essential oil also promotes fresh breath and is used frequently in cooking and baking to create salad dressings, drinks, desserts, and meat marinades. Aromatically, the cleansing and energizing aroma of Spearmint essential oil encourages a sense of focus while simultaneously uplifting mood. Spearmint oil can also promote digestion and help to reduce occasional stomach upset. Spearmint is very different from Peppermint, making it a milder option to use on children and those with sensitive skin.

Spearmint Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. One of the strongest benefits of Spearmint essential Oil is that it promotes digestion and helps reduce occasional stomach upset. When experiencing periodic stomach discomfort or after eating a large meal, dilute one drop of Spearmint essential oil in 4 fl. oz of liquid and drink. This essential oil can also be taken internally by...
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Product Spotlight: Lemon

I want to give a huge shout out to one of my FAVORITE essential oils….lemon!  I love lemon! I love the smell! I love the taste and I LOVE what lemon does for the body.

Lemon oil is one of the most versatile of all the essential oils.  It cleanses and purifies the surfaces and the air.  Add a couple drops to a diffuser to help promote a positive mood.    

Add a drop or two of lemon oil to your water for a refreshing treat.  Using this oil internally, naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion.    

Below are a list of ways that I like to use lemon essential oil around my home.  I promise, if you try one of these all natural tips, in your home, you will be hooked.   

  • One to three drops removes sticky grease stains.
  • Freshen your laundry by adding one drop to the final rinse cycle. 
  • Mix with water for a natural cleaning spray.
  • Sooth a sore throat by adding a drop or two to a cup of warm tea.
  • Brighten your...
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Essential Oil Organization

So… I figured what better way to follow up our Essential Oil Resolutions…than with some super easy Essential Oil Organization Tips!!  

Now that your supply of essential oils is growing, you need some practical ways to organize them.  If your oils are organized and accessible you will be so much more likely of using them daily.

I love to put labels on my lids!  I am a huge a fan of paper products, so I love a good sticker!  Other than giving your oil bottles some extra flair, lid stickers help you avoid picking up the wrong oil.  You can get lid stickers directly from doTERRA, Amazon, Etsy, or from various bottle suppliers.  Look around and find the ones that you like best.

You will want to store your oils out in the open, where you’re most likely to use them.  I have mine organized in an antique spice rack in my kitchen, on a shelf in my bedroom, and I store my extra oils in an oil box.  There are tons of ideas out there,...

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Resolution 1: Use Essential Oils Daily

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I am so excited about the coming new year and all the adventure it brings….maybe a couple less than last year.  LOL!!

Today, we are going to dive in-depth into our 1st Essential Oil Resolution.


Now I bet you're thinking…”I already do that.”  Think back over the past year.  How many times have you thought?  “I’ll start my diffuser later.”  Or “tomorrow I’ll start using that roller.”   Or you forget to rub oils on your kiddos before bed?

It happens…I do it too and I’m the “Crazy Oil Lady”!! 

Now do you see why we need this resolution?  Below are some tips. 

Start your day using your oils.  Start your diffusers in the morning with a motivational or a wake up blend.  Use an On Guard roller, on your kids, before they head off to school.  You’ll start their day...

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Product Spotlight: Peppermint

In celebration of all things Christmas, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing essential oil of Peppermint.  This oil is used to help promote a healthy respiratory function and alleviate stomach upset, when taken internally.  It repels insects, promotes clear breathing, and smells wonderful.   

Peppermint oil is culinary wonder and can be used to add a fresh boost to meals.  Try it in a smoothie or dessert!  Check out this amazing holiday recipe.   

Peppermint Bark


  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups white chocolate pieces
  • 2-3 mini candy canes
  • 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Bit of coconut oil  


  1. Use a 9 X 13 cookie sheet
  2. Lightly coat cookie sheet in coconut oil 
  3. Put chocolate chips in bowl with 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 
  4. Microwave or double boil the chocolate chips until melted
  5. Poor melted chocolate onto cookie sheet, spread evenly, and put in freezer
  6. While chocolate hardens, crush candy...
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Cookies & Cocoa

Nothing says its Holiday time like cookies and warm cocoa.  I love to gather my kiddos, snuggle together by a warm fire, munch on some homemade cookies and sip some delicious cocoa, while watching our favorite holiday movies.  The kids really enjoy this!  We bake during the day and watch movies in our jammies at night.  It is one of my favorite holiday things to do as a family.   

Since I love you guys and want you to have the best Holiday season, I have gathered my favorite doTERRA recipes below…just for you!!

Hot Cocoa


  • 1 cup water
  • 5 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia or 1 ½ teaspoon powdered stevia (amount of sweetener can be adjusted to taste)
  • 1–2 tablespoons sugar or agave (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 cups almond milk

Recommended Essential Oils: Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Wild Orange, or Peppermint oil


  1. Heat water, cocoa powder, and...
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Product Spotlight: Cinnamon Bark

In celebration of all things Fall, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing oil that is Cinnamon Bark.  This oil is used for a healthy metabolic function and immune system!  It repels insects, flavors food, and smells wonderful.  

Cinnamon is used in many culinary dishes from desserts, to the main course, to hot beverages.  Check out one of my favorite cinnamon recipes below.

Cinnamon Apple Chips


  • 7–8 medium sized apples
  • 1 tablespoon sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 6 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil  


  1. Preheat oven to 225° F.
  2. Put parchment paper onto two baking sheets.
  3. Combine sugar and Cinnamon Bark oil in small bowl. Stir to combine.
  4. Slice apples into thin slices.
  5. Place apples onto parchment paper covered baking sheet in single layer.
  6. Sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon essential oil sugar mixture.
  7. Place baking sheets in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Halfway through, flip apples over.
  8. When edges of apples are...
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