
Resolution 5: Replace Medicine Cabinet Items with Oils

Alright you guys…it’s Essential Oils Resolutions Week 5, our final week!! Still hanging in there with me?  Are you starting to see all the amazing benefits and how these 5 Essential Oils Resolutions help you maximize those benefits? 

Our final resolution is…drum roll… 


So many essential oils support healthy immune function and contain cleansing properties.  The health support benefit of essential oils are one of the main benefits of their use.  

With a big family, I turn to my oils when sickness or injuries occur.  Below are some recipes I use in my home. 

Cough Syrup:

  • 8 tbsp of Honey
  • 8 drops Lemon oil
  • 8 drops Peppermint oil
  • 8 drops Frankincense oil
  • 8 drops Wild Orange oil

First Aid Spray:

  • 3 drops Helichrysum oil
  • 5 drops Lavender oil
  • 5 drops Melaleuca oil
  • 3 drops Basil oil

Sunburn Relief Lotion:

  • 4 oz Fractionated Coconut oil
  • 10 drops Lavender oil
  • 6 drops...
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Cookies & Cocoa

Nothing says its Holiday time like cookies and warm cocoa.  I love to gather my kiddos, snuggle together by a warm fire, munch on some homemade cookies and sip some delicious cocoa, while watching our favorite holiday movies.  The kids really enjoy this!  We bake during the day and watch movies in our jammies at night.  It is one of my favorite holiday things to do as a family.   

Since I love you guys and want you to have the best Holiday season, I have gathered my favorite doTERRA recipes below…just for you!!

Hot Cocoa


  • 1 cup water
  • 5 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia or 1 ½ teaspoon powdered stevia (amount of sweetener can be adjusted to taste)
  • 1–2 tablespoons sugar or agave (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ¼ teaspoon almond extract
  • 3 cups almond milk

Recommended Essential Oils: Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Wild Orange, or Peppermint oil


  1. Heat water, cocoa powder, and...
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My Top Tips for Homeschooling Newbies

Okay, so I know that I've been homeschooling for awhile now, but I know that for many of you you just became brand new homeschool teachers! 

Add this to the thousand other things I'm sure do and it can seem overwhelming. So I wanted to share my top 7 tips for homeschooling newbies- because if I can do it, YOU can do it! 

1. Don't stress....I promise you can do this!

2. Have a designated area to learn. Doesn't have to be perfect! 

3. Learn everywhere you go. School doesn't just happen in a classroom!

4. Get involved in homeschool groups and with their families. Community is everything, y'all! 

5. If something isn't working, give it one more try and then move on to something that does work for you. Learning can come in many different forms

6. Keep everyone on a schedule. You will accomplish a lot more this way.

7. Making school also about helping others and the community. Math lesson while baking cookies for the neighbor, anyone? 

Did I leave something off?...

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Friday Favorites: First Aid Edition

Okay momma's this one is for you.

Let's talk First Aid. I don't know about you, but with all these kids running around I am constantly needing something from the first aid kit. 

I am especially grateful for these tips and tricks in the times we are in. Being able to have safe first aid products available at home without having to run to the store is a lifesaver, no pun intended. 

(Kidding, I totally intended a pun.)

Flu Shot in a Bottle

  • 40 drops lemon
  • 30 drops protective blend
  • 20 drops oregano
  • Fractionated coconut oil

Mix essential oils in roller bottle and fill with fractionated coconut oil. This is a great remedy for the onset of an illness. When you feel a scratchy throat or aches coming on, you will want to apply mixture to throat, bottoms of feet, and behind the ears. Because this mix contains oregano essential oil, it should be used for only five to seven days. Oregano essential oil can be hard on the liver when used for long periods of time. Protective blend...

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