
Spotlight: Ylang Ylang

IT’S SHOUT OUT TIME!!!  So I want to give a huge shout out to one of my favorite smelling essential oils….ylang yang!!

This amazing essential oil is derived from the star-shaped flowers of the tropical Ylang Ylang tree and is used in making perfumes and in aromatherapy. This oil is used to lessen tension and stress and to promote a positive outlook. When taken internally, Ylang Ylang provides antioxidant support. 

Looking for ways to use this amazing oil…

  • Put into an Epsom Salt bath for relaxation.
  • Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.
  • Put on your wrists for a sweet, floral perfume.
  • Add to Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.

One of the many benefits of Ylang Ylang is for emotional balance.  Use this oil to help with…

  • Reduces irritability
  • Helps to relieve depression
  • Helps to reduce stress & tension
  • Awakens the sensuality, promotes feeling so romance.
  • Uplifts the mood
  • ...
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Winter's Coming!!!

Oh my goodness!!  Did anyone take a step outside this morning and freeze?  It’s cold!!  

The temperature change shocked me and reminded me that Old Man Winter is on the way.  I try to always be a “glass half full” type of person so I’ll tell you first what I LOVE about Winter…fires, warm drinks, comfy blankets, Christmas, and the occasional snow.  Now I’ll be honest……Winter can also be a hard season. The Winter time brings some of the darkest and coldest days of the year.  Add in Covid and this Winter will no doubt be hard.  

So to bring some soothing comfort and warmth into your home, I’m going to give you TEN… Yes, you read that right, TEN amazing diffuser blends to help you chase away the Winter blues.  

Positive Energy Diffuser Blend

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 2 drops Bergamot oil
  • 1 drop Tangerine oil

Warm & Cosy Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange...
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Spotlight: Ylang Ylang

Seriously one of my FAVORITE oils ever. This oil is know to calm and soothe. You can diffuse, apply topically, inhale, or take internally under tongue or in a capsule. 

It blends well with sandalwood, bergamot, and frankincense. It's known for it's hypotensive, aphrodisiac, antipasmodic, and sedative properties. 

You will find this oil in our focus blend, calming blend, joyful blend, women's monthly blend, and women's blend. 

Some of it's top uses are for hormone imbalance, low libido and impotence, equilibrium and mental fatigue, high blood pressure and heartbeat issues, anxiety, frustration, stress, fear, colic, stomach aches, oily skin and emotional balance. 

Woah, right? 

What's your favorite way to use Ylang Ylang? And is there an oil you'd like for me to feature in the future? Let me know!


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