Spotlight: Ylang Ylang

Seriously one of my FAVORITE oils ever. This oil is know to calm and soothe. You can diffuse, apply topically, inhale, or take internally under tongue or in a capsule. 

It blends well with sandalwood, bergamot, and frankincense. It's known for it's hypotensive, aphrodisiac, antipasmodic, and sedative properties. 

You will find this oil in our focus blend, calming blend, joyful blend, women's monthly blend, and women's blend. 

Some of it's top uses are for hormone imbalance, low libido and impotence, equilibrium and mental fatigue, high blood pressure and heartbeat issues, anxiety, frustration, stress, fear, colic, stomach aches, oily skin and emotional balance. 

Woah, right? 

What's your favorite way to use Ylang Ylang? And is there an oil you'd like for me to feature in the future? Let me know!



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