
Let me Fill you in...

Hey y'all. 

So this post is a little different. 

I've had a lot going on in my personal life lately and I thought about sharing it with you guys, but I wasn't sure I should until this past weekend. 

This is my space for you to join me. This is a place for us to come together. And so I knew I had to share what was going on.

So where do I start? 

My father-in-law recently had a heart catherization and stint placement after learning that he had had a heart attack one Sunday morning. After lots of testing it was obvious that he was on course to have another heart attack if action wasn't taken. 

There was damage done to the heart, but he is on medications to help strengthen his heart and keep the stint open. He is at home and resting. Taking some much needed time off to let his body heal. And I'm happy to report that he is feeling much better. 

Then there's my mom, Tammie. 

I won't go into all the details here because you can actually follow her story...

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