
Essential Oils & Pregnancy (part two)

Not only does pregnancy and labor bring some pretty amazing experiences, they also bring some pretty annoying symptoms. 

Today I wanted to share with you a few of my not-so-favorite- symptoms and my favorite remedies. 

Pregnancy Swelling Relief

  • 3 drops ginger
  • 2 drops cypress
  • 2 drops lavender

Combine oils with 2 teaspoons carrier oil; massage into legs and feet.

No More Stretch Marks Blend

  • 10 drops cypress
  • 10 drops lavender
  • 10 drops wild orange
  • 10 drops invigorating blend
  • 5 drops geranium

Place oils in a 10ml roller bottle; fill remainder with carrier oil. Use twice daily.

Stretch Mark Relief

  • 2 drops each of helichrysum, lavender, myrrh oil mixed with 1/2-1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil (depending on surface area intended to cover) and apply to abdomen.

Healing Hemorrhoids

  • 20 drops heilchrysum
  • 20 drops geranium
  • 20 drops aborvitae or cypress
  • 10 drop peppermint

Make blend in 2-ounce glass bottle with an orifice-reduction seal; mix oils; fill remainder with carrier...

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