Essential Oils & Pregnancy (part two)

Not only does pregnancy and labor bring some pretty amazing experiences, they also bring some pretty annoying symptoms. 

Today I wanted to share with you a few of my not-so-favorite- symptoms and my favorite remedies. 

Pregnancy Swelling Relief

  • 3 drops ginger
  • 2 drops cypress
  • 2 drops lavender

Combine oils with 2 teaspoons carrier oil; massage into legs and feet.

No More Stretch Marks Blend

  • 10 drops cypress
  • 10 drops lavender
  • 10 drops wild orange
  • 10 drops invigorating blend
  • 5 drops geranium

Place oils in a 10ml roller bottle; fill remainder with carrier oil. Use twice daily.

Stretch Mark Relief

  • 2 drops each of helichrysum, lavender, myrrh oil mixed with 1/2-1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil (depending on surface area intended to cover) and apply to abdomen.

Healing Hemorrhoids

  • 20 drops heilchrysum
  • 20 drops geranium
  • 20 drops aborvitae or cypress
  • 10 drop peppermint

Make blend in 2-ounce glass bottle with an orifice-reduction seal; mix oils; fill remainder with carrier oil. Apply at least once or twice daily and/or after every bowel evacuation. For additional, more intense support if needed, 1 drop of each oil can be applied NEAT. Any burning sensation should subside within five to ten minutes, or apply carrier oil prior to oil application if desired. 

Man, isn't pregnancy amazing?! 

Thursday I'll be sharing my final post about all things labor/delivery and postpartum. 

Tell me what was your favorite method to help with stretch marks? 



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