
Oh Hey, Summer.

I hope you guys had an amazing long Memorial Day weekend. We spent most of our holiday outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (when we could) and hanging out on the lake. 

Now that it's officially Summer, I have to share with you some of my DIY Summer Favorites. Including my personal favorite, bug repellent. 

Y'all, I love the Lord's creatures, but I cannot stand bugs or bug bites. Over my 40 years of living I have tried SO. MANY. THINGS. to get rid of bugs so I can enjoy my time outside, but if I'm being honest, and you know I am because that's just how I roll, nothing worked good enough. 

And if they did work they were full of nasty harmful toxic ingredients that I just didn't feel comfortable about putting on myself, let alone my children. 

I know I talk a lot about oils, but y'all, it has been the ONLY thing that has worked. And I feel at ease using it on those I care most about. 

DIY Bug Repellant

You'll Need: 

  • 4 oz spray bottle (stainless, glass,...
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