Oh Hey, Summer.

I hope you guys had an amazing long Memorial Day weekend. We spent most of our holiday outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (when we could) and hanging out on the lake. 

Now that it's officially Summer, I have to share with you some of my DIY Summer Favorites. Including my personal favorite, bug repellent. 

Y'all, I love the Lord's creatures, but I cannot stand bugs or bug bites. Over my 40 years of living I have tried SO. MANY. THINGS. to get rid of bugs so I can enjoy my time outside, but if I'm being honest, and you know I am because that's just how I roll, nothing worked good enough. 

And if they did work they were full of nasty harmful toxic ingredients that I just didn't feel comfortable about putting on myself, let alone my children. 

I know I talk a lot about oils, but y'all, it has been the ONLY thing that has worked. And I feel at ease using it on those I care most about. 

DIY Bug Repellant

You'll Need: 

  • 4 oz spray bottle (stainless, glass, or approved plastic)
  • 20 drops Terrashield
  • 20 drops Geranium
  • 20 drops Lemongrass or Cedarwood (optional)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of Witch Hazel (used to stabilize oils)

Add ingredients together, then fill with water. And BOOM, bug spray. 

Now that we can spend time outside, we should talk about sun protection. This is not something I take lightly so if you are unsure about anything, please consult with your doctor. Sunburn is no joking matter and I urge you to do what's best for you and your family. 

But what I have been doing and LOVING is making my own sunscreen. It's safer. It's effective when applied properly. And it even leaves my skin moisturized. 

The truth is, not all sunscreens are created equally and there are a lot of products out there that are damaging to our bodies and our oceans. If you don't feel comfortable making your own sunscreen I'd be happy to make a few recommendations. 

DIY Sunscreen

You'll Need:

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 1 teaspoon Carrot Seed Oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Zinc Oxide
  • 2-3 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood oil

1. Melt the coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl over warm water. 

2. Add Carrot oil and Zinc Oxide and mix together.

3. Add Hawaiian Sandalwood oil and stir.

4. Place in a jar for storage. Be sure to allow to cool for 30 minutes in the fridge.

While I love spending as much time as I can outside and in the water, it can be pretty damaging to my hair. There is nothing I love more than coming inside after a long day outside treating myself to a little hair self care with my favorite DIY hair mask. 

This mask keeps my hair healthy and hydrated. I like to do this once ever 1-2 weeks depending on how much time I spent outside or in the water. 

Y'all have to try this hair mask and then let me know what you think. I swear, it's been a game changer for my hair. 

DIY Geranium Hair Mask

You'll Need:

  • 1-2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 drops Geranium oil

 1. Mix eggs with olive oil.

2. Add in honey and Geranium oil and mix until creamy.

3. Apply mask from roots to ends of hair until completely covered. 

4. Cover hair with plastic wrap (no shame) or a shower cap and let set for 30-60 minutes (perfect time for a DIY skincare mask!)

5. Rinse with warm water and shampoo until hair is no longer sticky. Use conditioner if you need! 

What are some of your favorite DIY Summer stuff? I'd love to try some! But, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm gonna go spend some time outside!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


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