

Detoxification also known as detoxing or cleansing is the term used to describe the deliberate use of programs, products, dietary, and lifestyle changes to support the body in the elimination of unwanted substances and circumstances. 

Releasing toxins allows your heart, body, and mind to dedicate greater amounts of energy to thriving rather than just coping and merely surviving. 

Listen y'all, we live, eat, and breathe toxic substances every single day. Just think about it, the pain on the walls, the carpet, the laundry and cleaning products we use, the pesticides, extermination products, preservative and the chemicals in foods, the "stuff" that goes in and out of cars; personal care products and makeup also contribute to higher toxicity levels in the body. 

Toxicity must be dealt with even when trying to limit exposure to toxins, since contact with chemicals and other toxic agents occur everyday by eating, breathing, living, and sleeping.

Cool, huh?

When our bodies...

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