
Product Spotlight: TerraShield

TerraShield is perfect for the whole family! Diffuse it at your next outdoor event to create an inviting atmosphere for those you love. TerraShield Spray will give you all of the benefits of doTERRA TerraShield oil while adding in the convenience of a spray lid and top, allowing you to access its benefits quicker and easier. It is the perfect size to throw in your pocket book or even slip in your pocket!

TerraShield Uses and Benefits

  1. Before heading out on a hike or walk, try applying TerraShield topically. Rub it into your wrists, ankles, or the back of your neck to soothe your skin and invigorate you as you embark on your adventure. 
  2. Diffusing isn’t just for the indoors. Diffuse TerraShield at your next outdoor gathering to create an inviting, woodsy atmosphere that makes everyone feel comfortable. 
  3. TerraShield can be the perfect backdrop for your next family camping trip. Use a travel diffuser to spread its scent in your tent or camper, or you can apply it...
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Essential Oils and Gardening

If you are already an essential oil user and a gardener, then this blog is for you! Let’s talk about the best essential oils for gardening!

If you are like me you are always trying to keep all chemicals away from your home and family.  I try my best to do all organic gardening and not use any chemicals on my plants and flowers. 

Here are just a few essential oils and their benefits for the plants in your garden….

Rosemary Essential Oil

This oil has a wonderful woodsy scent and works well to help repel many pests in the garden. Place a few drops right on the flower pot to keep the bugs from chewing up the leaves of your plants. Rosemary oil is also a butterfly attractor, they love it.

Peppermint Essential Oil

This oil has a sweeter scent and repeals several garden pests like aphids, flies, beetles, and even spiders! Any way to get rid of those creepy crawlers is good with me. You can place a drop of peppermint oil around baseboards and in cabinets in your...

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DIY Bug Spray

I’m sure you have all heard of these. Encephalitis, West Nile, Zika… I have zero desire to contract any one of these diseases, or the multitude of others carried by mosquitos! It’s really incredible that such a tiny little bug can cause so much damage to human health. And that is why I’m keeping plenty of this homemade mosquito repellent spray on hand throughout the summer months to help combat those nasty bloodsuckers! We need to put them in their places! Which is nowhere near me, my family or my pets!! Because we can all admit that our pets are members of our family just like our little ones. 

As you probably know, mosquitos can set up shop during the summer months in standing water—that’s where mosquitoes lay their eggs and where their larvae live and grow so it’s really important to be vigilant around your property to prevent these areas where mosquitos can breed and thrive. Unfortunately, even if you’ve eliminated any...

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Essential Oils & Summertime Fun

I don’t know about y’all…but if you're like us you start spending more and more time outside. We love the longer days and playing in the sun!!  

If you live for those brilliant summer skies make sure and take essential oils along for the ride…

First on our list is the TerraShield® Outdoor Blend. No matter the activity, everyone should keep this blend with them during their outdoor adventures. It is an effective, natural repellent that leaves out the nasty chemicals. Aside from TerraShield, there are plenty of other “outdoor” oils to have on hand, too.

Going Out in the Sun

At the beach or the campground, everyone needs to get outside and enjoy some time in the sun for the mood-boosting and vitamin D benefits. However, make sure you pack these skin-friendly oils to keep cool and refreshed.

  •  Peppermint: Apply in in a roller bottle directly to your skin when you need to cool down most. Or, add a few drops to a spray bottle with water...
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Spotlight: Geranium

Spring is in full swing and I thought what better way to celebrate the season of blooms than with a spotlight on Geranium!! 

With various beautifying purposes, Geranium essential oil promotes healthy, glowing skin and hair, while providing a sweet, floral aroma.

Geranium oil has been used to promote the appearance of clear skin and healthy hair.  This oil also helps calm nerves and lessen feelings of stress. Geranium oil is also known to naturally repel insects. 


  • Use Geranium oil in an aromatherapy steam facial to beautify skin.
  • Add a drop to your moisturizer for a smoothing effect.
  • Geranium essential oil is great for both dry and oily hair. Apply a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner bottle, or make your own deep hair conditioner.
  • Diffuse Geranium oil aromatically for a calming effect.

If you’re in love with the smell of Geranium like I am, you will love these diffuser recipes.

Spring Fever:

3 drops Geranium essential oil

3 drops Grapefruit...

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Product Spotlight: Peppermint

In celebration of all things Christmas, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing essential oil of Peppermint.  This oil is used to help promote a healthy respiratory function and alleviate stomach upset, when taken internally.  It repels insects, promotes clear breathing, and smells wonderful.   

Peppermint oil is culinary wonder and can be used to add a fresh boost to meals.  Try it in a smoothie or dessert!  Check out this amazing holiday recipe.   

Peppermint Bark


  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 cups white chocolate pieces
  • 2-3 mini candy canes
  • 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • Bit of coconut oil  


  1. Use a 9 X 13 cookie sheet
  2. Lightly coat cookie sheet in coconut oil 
  3. Put chocolate chips in bowl with 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 
  4. Microwave or double boil the chocolate chips until melted
  5. Poor melted chocolate onto cookie sheet, spread evenly, and put in freezer
  6. While chocolate hardens, crush candy...
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Product Spotlight: Cinnamon Bark

In celebration of all things Fall, I wanted to take a moment to focus on the amazing oil that is Cinnamon Bark.  This oil is used for a healthy metabolic function and immune system!  It repels insects, flavors food, and smells wonderful.  

Cinnamon is used in many culinary dishes from desserts, to the main course, to hot beverages.  Check out one of my favorite cinnamon recipes below.

Cinnamon Apple Chips


  • 7–8 medium sized apples
  • 1 tablespoon sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 6 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil  


  1. Preheat oven to 225° F.
  2. Put parchment paper onto two baking sheets.
  3. Combine sugar and Cinnamon Bark oil in small bowl. Stir to combine.
  4. Slice apples into thin slices.
  5. Place apples onto parchment paper covered baking sheet in single layer.
  6. Sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon essential oil sugar mixture.
  7. Place baking sheets in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Halfway through, flip apples over.
  8. When edges of apples are...
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That's It!

"That's it! I've had enough!" You might think I'm yelling at one of my kids, separating a fight, or just yelling out of pure mom frustration. 

Nope, wrong.

It's bugs y'all. I am so over the bugs. I've already shared a DIY bug spray, but today I wanted to go a little further in my pest repellents. 

Whether they are in your garden destroying your beautiful homegrown tomatoes or they are just keeping you from spending the time outside that you've been waiting for, it's time to get serious.

Below is a list of pests and the essential oils you can use to repel those unwanted visitors. 

  • Ants:  peppermint, spearmint
  • Aphids: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Beetles: peppermint, thyme
  • Caterpillars: spearmint, peppermint
  • Chiggers: lavender, lemongrass, sage, thyme
  • Fleas: peppermint, lemongrass, spearmint, lavender
  • Flies: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage
  • Gnats: patchouli, spearmint
  • Lice: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Mosquitos: lavender,...
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