
Resolution 3: Bedtime Routine with Essential Oils

Hey ya’ll!!  It’s week 3 of our resolutions!!!  How’s it going so far?  

Have you been able to use one oil a day for the last 14 days?  I have!!  

Get your new oil for January?  Check!  If you haven’t picked your January oil, I highly recommend AirX!

Let's get to our 3rd Essential Oil Resolution. 


Essential oils are an amazing way to close out your day.  They help you wind down from a hard day…  Diffuse in the air, or rub on your feet, or down your spine at night for tons of health benefits while you sleep.  

Below are some ways that you can use essential oils at bedtime… 

Take an essential oil bath.  Baths are a great way to release stress, tension, and toxins from your body.  Add some epson salts and your favorite oil to a warm bath and relax.  Baths are a great way to help kids unwind before bed.  

Apply a...

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Holiday DIY Gifts

So it’s official……holiday shopping season has begun!!  I’m one of those holiday gift planners; I plan each gift out, keep everything organized with an app on my phone, and I try to stay on budget.  Try!!!  LOL!!  This year since I’m home more and trying to spread extra joy and cheer, I have decided to make my close friends and family essential oil pampering products.  I love DIY gifts!  I get to be creative and get to customize them for the receiver.   

This year I am going with a peppermint theme.  Peppermint Essential Oil has so many amazing benefits.  This oil promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing, digestive health when taken internally, and repels bugs naturally. 

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub


  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • ½ cup Fractionated Coconut oil 
  • 12 drops Peppermint oil 
  • Skin safe food coloring


  1. Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut...
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Arborvitae: Thuja Plicata

I know that sometimes choosing what oils you want or need or should have can be overwhelming. And when you ask someone to help you choose, it's hard because they truly all have a place in our lives and, well, I just hate choosing. 

So I thought I would just highlight some oils as we go along together. Maybe seeing what each oil can do and how many uses you can get out of just one bottle will help you choose as you build your oil collection. 

Let's start with one of my favorite oils, and yes, I'll probably say that a lot, but seriously, this is one of my favorites. 

Arborvitae. Think woody, majestic and strong. It actually means "Tree of Life" because the Arborvitae tree can live for over 800 years. 

It's main constituents are Methyl thujate, Hinokitiol, and Thujic Acid. It's great for antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and stimulant uses. 

This oil blends well with Cedarwood, Frankincense and Birch.

And just as a safety precaution, dilution is...

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