
Isn't Nature Fun?

I hope y’all had an amazing Fourth of July because I know we did!

We spent so much time outside and you know what that means, lots of fun, lots of sun, and lots of bug bites.

Did you know that out of 2,000 sunscreens reviewed, more than 75% were found to contain toxic chemicals?

Or that common side effects for insect repellents include skin reactions, allergic rashes, and eye irritation?

Also, many topical medicated creams for insect-bite itching and irritation have side effects causing redness, irritation, and swelling.

So here are a few of my after fourth favorite DIY home remedies.

Sunburn Spray

1 cup aloe vera juice

1/4 cup fractionated coconut oil

1 teaspoon vitamin E oil

8 drops lavender

8 drops Melaleuca

8 drops Roman chamomile

Combine ingredients in a 16 ounce glass spray bottle. Shake well and spray onto sunburned skin. Repeat as needed.

Bug Repellent

10 drops lemon grass

10 drops lavender

10 drops geranium

10 drops peppermint

fractionated coconut oil

mix essential...

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Top Ten Favorite Books of All Times...(well, for now anyways!)

If there is one thing I love to do all year it's read a good book, but there is just something extra special about a good book and the summer. 

Whether I'm curled up on my porch with a cup of coffee or I'm laying out on the beach, it doesn't matter. Reading during the summer is one of the best things ever. 

Like, ever ever. 

So to celebrate I've included my top 10 favorite books of all times. But you have to share with me some of your favorites too! I mean, it's only fair. 

  1. BIBLE- (always the best place to start!)
  2. Secrets of Six Figure Women
  3. The 5 Second Rule
  4. Love Walked Among Us
  5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  6. Take control of your Life
  7. Everything is Figureoutable
  8. The Go Giver
  9. Think and Grow Rich 
  10. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Okay, now your turn! 


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That's It!

"That's it! I've had enough!" You might think I'm yelling at one of my kids, separating a fight, or just yelling out of pure mom frustration. 

Nope, wrong.

It's bugs y'all. I am so over the bugs. I've already shared a DIY bug spray, but today I wanted to go a little further in my pest repellents. 

Whether they are in your garden destroying your beautiful homegrown tomatoes or they are just keeping you from spending the time outside that you've been waiting for, it's time to get serious.

Below is a list of pests and the essential oils you can use to repel those unwanted visitors. 

  • Ants:  peppermint, spearmint
  • Aphids: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Beetles: peppermint, thyme
  • Caterpillars: spearmint, peppermint
  • Chiggers: lavender, lemongrass, sage, thyme
  • Fleas: peppermint, lemongrass, spearmint, lavender
  • Flies: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage
  • Gnats: patchouli, spearmint
  • Lice: cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
  • Mosquitos: lavender,...
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Oh Hey, Summer.

I hope you guys had an amazing long Memorial Day weekend. We spent most of our holiday outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (when we could) and hanging out on the lake. 

Now that it's officially Summer, I have to share with you some of my DIY Summer Favorites. Including my personal favorite, bug repellent. 

Y'all, I love the Lord's creatures, but I cannot stand bugs or bug bites. Over my 40 years of living I have tried SO. MANY. THINGS. to get rid of bugs so I can enjoy my time outside, but if I'm being honest, and you know I am because that's just how I roll, nothing worked good enough. 

And if they did work they were full of nasty harmful toxic ingredients that I just didn't feel comfortable about putting on myself, let alone my children. 

I know I talk a lot about oils, but y'all, it has been the ONLY thing that has worked. And I feel at ease using it on those I care most about. 

DIY Bug Repellant

You'll Need: 

  • 4 oz spray bottle (stainless, glass,...
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