Snow Day Diffuser Blends

We had SNOW this past weekend!!!!  I love snow!  

Watching how beautifully is falls while my kids play in it is one of my most favorite things about Winter.  In honor of this weekends past snow I wanted to give y’all some amazing diffuser blends to help make your home all warm and snuggly during this snowy weather.   

Freshly Fallen Snow

  • 3 drops White Fir oil
  • 2 drops Cardamom oil
  • 1 drop Clove oil

Frosted Forest

  • 3 drops White Fir oil
  • 2 drops Cypress oil
  • 1 drop Cedarwood oil

Long Winter’s Nap

  • 1 drop Cassia oil
  • 2 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil

By the Fire

  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 2 drops Frankincense oil
  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil

Warm & Cozy

  • 2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 2 drops Clove oil

Stay Inside

  • 1 drop White Fir oil
  • 2 drops Wild Orange oil
  • 1 drop Cassia oil

Ice Crystals

  • 2 drops Aroma Touch oil
  • 3 drops Balance oil
  • 2 drops Deep Blue oil

Snow & Ice

  • 2 drops Juniper Berry oil
  • 2 drops Peppermint oil
  • 2 drops White Fir oil

Snow Day

  • 3 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 3 drops Peppermint oil
  • 3 drops Wild Orange oil

After Snow

  • 4 drops Madagascar Vanilla oil
  • 1 drop Tangerine oil
  • 1 drop Bergamot oil 

I really hope you enjoy one, two, or all of these sensational blends. 

What are some of your favorite Winter time diffuser blends?  I would love to hear your comments below.  




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