Resolution 2: Try 1 New Oil A Month

Hey ya’ll!!  We are officially one week into our Essential Oils Resolutions. How’s it going so far?  Were you able to use at least one oil every day last week?  I can happily say “I did”!! One day, all I did was run my diffusers, but that counts! 

This week, let's jump right into our 2nd Essential Oil Resolution.


This is a GREAT resolution that I am super excited about!!  This resolution keeps you from falling into an essential oil rut, using the same oils over and over.  

By using a variety of oils you benefit from tons of different therapeutic qualities.

You might just discover a new favorite oil too.  This is how I discovered Spearmint early on in my oil journey.  I was thinking “I have peppermint…Why do I need Spearmint?” Little did I know.  Spearmint is amazing, and I’m so happy I found this gem.  

So I know what you’re thinking…

”What’s the easiest way to be sure you use a new oil every month?”


Kick off each month by selecting your new oil.  Maybe there is an oil you saw on Pinterest and read all about it.  Or heard another oil lover raving about one you should try.  Pick your oil and make it your oil of the month!  Sit down and figure out exactly how you want to incorporate this oil into your daily routine.     

Super easy, right??  

This week I challenge you to find your new oil for the month of January.  Will you go with a blend or single oil?  It’s all up to you!  

Remember with these essential oil resolutions, we are changing our lives one drop at a time!

Blessings!! XOXO—Alisha



50% Complete

Two Step

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