New Year Diffuser Blends

Let’s start the New Year’s off right…with some amazing diffuser blends!!! 

I hope you enjoy one or a few of these!!  Get those brains and bodies moving and fulfilling all those resolutions!!


  •  1 drop Grapefruit
  •  1 drop Jasmine
  •  1 drop Lavender
  •  1 drop Clary Sage

Pop The bubbly

  •  2 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Ylang Ylang
  •  1 drop Grapefruit

New Year’s

  •  2 drops Bergamont
  •  2 drops Frankincense 
  •  2 drops Breathe

Immune Booster

  •  3 drops On Guard
  •  3 drops Citrus Bliss


  •  3 drops Lemongrass
  •  3 drops Tangerine
  •  3 drops Spearmint

Goal Setting

  •  2 drops Frankincense
  •  2 drops Peppermint
  •  1 drop Ylang Ylang

Ball Drop

  •  2 drops Ginger
  •  3 drops Lemon
  •  3 drops Lime


  •  2 drop Lemon
  •  2 drop Citrus Bliss
  •  1 drop Lavender
  •  1 drop Peppermint

New Beginnings

  •  4 drops Rosemary
  •  2 drops Lavender
  •  2 drops Peppermint

Full Focus

  •  3 drops Frankincense
  •  3 drops Grapefruit
  •  3 drops Peppermint

Make it Happen

  •  3 drops Lemon
  •  2 drops Bergamot
  •  2 drops Peppermint

 Positive Vibes

  •  3 drops Bergamot
  •  3 drops Wild Orange
  •  2 drops Eucalyptus 

Get After it!

  •  5 drops Citrus Bliss
  •  3 drops Motivation

Get Stuff Done

  •  3 drops Rosemary
  •  3 drops Lemon

Share your favorites below so I can add them to my list!!!




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