My Top Three Favorite Oils (Right Now!)

Okay y'all obviously know how much I love my oils. And it really is hard for me to choose any kind of favorite because they each truly do something that I either love or need.

But if I had to choose my top three favorite oils right now I would definitely have to start with a classic favorite of mine, Frankincense. 

Y'all, I just love the way Frankincense smells. Not only that, but I love the benefits of younger looking skin (I mean, who doesn't?!). That means less wrinkles and goodbye brown spots.

Frankincense also helps with healing properties of any issue. It's a known de-stressor. Oh, and it also has DNA repairing properties, no big deal or anything. 

Okay, next is more of a category because it is just SO hard to choose. Citrus, y'all. And I mean, anything citrus, y'all. Huge fan of our Green Mandarin right now. I love adding it to my water to help with stress. It supports healthy lung function.

This is my go-to for muscle spasms too!

I also really love Wild Orange and Tangerine. They just smell so darn good!

Finally, to round out my list, I'd have to choose Adaptiv. I AM drawn to the smell. My kids swear it smells like cotton candy, so that might be why! But I love that it helps with my mood and stress (y'all notice a pattern here...). It helps me focus on what I need to. And it helps me get so much done on my to-do list. 

Schew! That was tough. It's never easy choosing any kind of favorite when you really see a benefit and love for all of them. Do you have a favorite doTERRA oil? Or is there one you've always wanted to try? Let me know in the comments! 

Until next time! 



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