Essential Oils & Meditation


Let's talk meditation. This is something that I am constantly trying to work on and improve. And to be honest, most days it's soooo hard to stay focused when you have a thousand things going on. 

So, how can we improve our mediation? 

Well, who would have guessed that I would say "essential oils"?!? 

But seriously, oils have the ability to transform your meditation space. And the good news is that there are lots of great oils to choose from!

I've included my top ten meditation oils. And a tip? Choose the same oil as often as you can when you meditate. Specific scents will often transport your mind. And if you associate a certain oil with meditation it can help make meditation easier.

The best way to use oils during meditation can be topically or in a diffuser, or both! I'm a big fan of both.

Alright, so which oils are the best for meditation?

1. Frankincense

Frankincense is one of the most sacred essential oils for spirituality.  Frankincense helps to increase our faith and connection to higher self.

2. Myrrh

Did you know that Myrrh has one of the highest levels of sesquiterpene in an essential oil making it one of the top essential oils for meditation. Sesquiterpene’s delete bad information in cellular memory so inhaling this oil can help to eliminate negative thoughts. This oil can also help with reducing stress, bringing focus and can assist in a deep spiritual “opening” while encouraging calm and tranquility.

3. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is very helpful in healing emotional and spiritual wounds, as it opens the heart and helps to promote trust. It’s also quite grounding.

4. Neroli

Neroli has such a pleasant floral scent and it can help you to be more self-accepting. It also encourages you to face your fears and accept the work you need to do for yourself. Neroli can also inspire creativity 

5. Rose

Did you know that Rose is the fragrance of love? Making it one of the best essential oils for meditation when your intention is to create love for yourself or for others.  It is said that the floral tones are to help open the heart to receive love, more specifically self-love and a deeper connection to the spiritual world.

6. Vetiver

Not my favorite smelling essential oil, but Vetiver turns out to be an extremely grounding oil and can be especially beneficial if you have a tendency to wander and lose focus during your meditation practice. (SQUIRREL!) 

7. Palo Santo

Palo Santo is considered to be a cousin to Frankincense and loosely translated means "Holy Wood".  It has been used for hundreds of years by shamans for spiritual applications.  It’s super grounding and calming and can create a sense of peacefulness and calm.

8. Cedarwood

Cedarwood encourages us to focus inward and helps to illuminate your need for meditation.

9. Lavender

Lavender is one of the most versatile (and a huge favorite of mine) oils.  This floral oil is known for its relaxation properties and helps improve your sleep quality. (Did you hear me Mamas?!?!) It  also blends well with most other oils if you decide to  make a blend!

10. Bergamot

Bergamot is slightly reminiscent of orange oil. It also has an underlying floral scent which has an emotional uplifting effect. It's also a great oil for helping to alleviate depression.

I could go on and on with so many more oils, but instead I thought I would leave you with a few of my favorite meditation blends. And of course, if you have something I'm missing, please share! I can use all the peace and tranquility a girl can get! 


Grounding Meditation Blend
  • Sandalwood or Patchouli – 3 drops
  • Frankincense – 3 drops
  • Bergamot – 3 drops
Relaxing Meditation Blend
  • Lavender – 5 drops
  • Cedarwood – 3 drops
  • Bergamot – 2 drop
Calming Meditation Blend
  • Ylang Ylang – 3 drops
  • Frankincense – 3 drops
  • Patchouli – 2 drops

Happy Meditation, y'all!


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